
Upcoming Webinars

SAEM webinars are free for SAEM members and webinar recordings are available after each event.



Recorded Webinars

Browse our growing collection of recorded webinars. New recordings are added regularly, so check back often!

  • RAMS: Surviving Medical Training During the Pandemic: Being Well and Staying Well

    Aug 31, 2021

    Burnout levels are high in emergency medicine and are higher due to the pandemic. Medical trainees often feel a lack of control over the many challenging situations that lead to burnout and lower professional fulfillment.Using design thinking and compassion, we will offer several strategies for trainees to understand their circle of influence and how they can be more effective and efficient with the scarcity of time that they have.

  • FDC: So, You Want to Be a Clinical/Academic Leader... Pearls and Pitfalls to Consider in Successfully Navigating a Career

    Aug 27, 2021

    Dr. Sanjey Gupta will discuss the transition to residency or department leadership positions for academic emergency physicians. He will discuss the upsides and downsides of leadership transition and essential personal/professional considerations for the individual prior to role changing. Further, he will discuss the concept of leadership skills needs assessment for the individual and the development of a personal checklist to ensure success. This webinar is appropriate for junior faulty, mid-career faculty, senior residents and anyone else considering career leadership movement.

  • Secrets to a Successful Academic Career-Think Tripod

    Aug 3, 2021

    A career in academic emergency medicine has many ups and downs. Very few faculty have a career trajectory that remains constant. This webinar will discuss how to manage a career by accepting the challenges we face.

  • Leveling Up Your Professional Development with SAEM-RAMS

    Jun 22, 2021

    Thinking about how to take your professional development to the next level? This timely webinar (committee sign-ups start soon!) has you covered. Speakers will examine the various ways you can get involved with SAEM and RAMS on a local and national level, whether through committees, academies, interest groups, board leadership…or writing!

  • COVID-19 National Grand Rounds (Hosted by SAEM)

    Apr 16, 2021

    COVID-19 Response: Lessons Learned from an Academic Health System in New York City

  • SAEM National Grand Rounds webinar entitled "From Katrina to COVID-19: Emergency Care for the Underserved During Times of Crisis."

    Apr 16, 2021

    Medical leaders from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSU Health) New Orleans will share their experiences and lessons learned in treating the underserved during the COVID-19 pandemic. A moderated Q & A session will immediately follow the presentation.

  • Benchmark Data Analytics

    Apr 16, 2021

    The AAAEM-AACEM Benchmark Committee presents the data from the 2020 Benchmark and Salary Survey.

  • SAEM Simulation Academy Virtual Mentoring/Faculty Development Hour: Branching Out in Simulation Beyond High Fidelity and Procedure Simulation

    Apr 16, 2021

    Interactive virtual mentoring hour sponsored by the SAEM Simulation Academy Faculty Development Subcommittee focused on areas of simulation outside of high fidelity and procedure-based simulation. Panelists discussed a variety of niches within simulation and offered unique insights into simulation areas such as telesimulation, EMS/disaster simulation, community/CME simulations at non-academic centers, virtual reality uses, sim with standardized patients, and many other innovative areas.

  • Residency Match in the Era of COVID: Advice for Medical Educators in Emergency Medicine

    Apr 15, 2021

    COVID-19 has created an unprecedented situation for medical students across the country applying for residencies in Emergency Medicine. With new consensus recommendations, restrictions on away rotations and interviews, and changes in clinical experiences for students due to the pandemic, we will provide guidance on how to still achieve our global goal: to help our students match into the EM residency of their choice in the 2020 Match. This webinar will provide an overview of the consensus statement on applying in the 2020 EM Match, with recommendations for best practices on how to most effectively advise your own medical students in various situations.

  • Tricks of the Trade: Clinically Transitioning from Medical School to Residency

    Apr 15, 2021

    This webinar is the second in a series of two designed to help new or young residents in emergency medicine transitioning from medical school to residency. In this episode, we will focus on the clinical challenges and how they differ as a medical student vs a resident. We will also focus on tips and tricks for how to excel on your rotations as an intern. Our speakers specialize in medical education and working with young learners.

  • Tips for New Residents: Finances and Emotional Wellness

    Apr 15, 2021

    This webinar is the first in a series of two designed to help new or young residents in emergency medicine get a good start on finding success in and outside of the hospital. In this episode, we will focus on two of the major areas outside of the hospital that residents don’t receive a lot of training on but are major contributors to their overall wellbeing. These topics are financial habits, and cultivating relationships and resilience. Our speakers will offer valuable insight into what to expect and how to begin planning now to avoid common mistakes made during these critical years.

  • Advising Applicants for the 2020-2021 ERAS Application Cycle Webinar Hosted by RAMS

    Apr 15, 2021

    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented application season this year for emergency medicine-bound applicants with novel constraints from previous application years. Please join us for a moderated question and answer discussion with a panel composed of two clerkship directors and two assistant residency program directors from Wake Forest University and The Ohio State University. We will be discussing many of the current ongoing topics of concern, including canceled away rotations, SLOEs, non-SLOE letters of recommendation, how to strengthen your application, and more. Opportunities for individual questions directed to our panelists will be available at the end of the session. We hope you will join us for this great opportunity to receive up-to-date guidance regarding the 2020-2021 ERAS application season.

  • Wellness Reframed: Innovative Initiatives to Improve the Wellbeing ofResidents and Medical Students

    Apr 15, 2021

    Resident and medical student wellness continues to be an important issue as we work to combat rising rates of burnout. Over the past few years, progress has been made as creative, innovative initiatives have been implemented to improve wellbeing. Join us for a live webinar to hear from three thought leaders who have greatly influenced advancements in resident and medical student wellness.

  • RAMS: Matching Into EM, How We Got Here and Where Are We Going

    Apr 15, 2021

    With COVID-19 as a catalyst, we’ve seen huge changes in the process of rotating, apply, interviewing, etc for emergency medicine applicants. Join us for a live webinar and hear from some of the primary leaders who helped to author these changes. We will review how this year’s guidance addresses far more than social distancing requirements and what is and isn’t likely to be the new norm for EM-bound students.

  • RAMS: The Inside Scoop on Academic Jobs

    Apr 15, 2021

    How do you navigate the academic job market in the era of COVID-19? Join us for a live webinar and hear from academic EM department chairs from around the country on how they are hiring in this current climate. We will review how academic departments are adapting to the new economics of EM during COVID, and what they look for in new academic EM physicians.

  • RAMS Webinar: Finding a Home Away From Home: Challenges of the Match Faced by URM Applicants and Those Without an Affiliate EM Program

    Apr 15, 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted much of the usual residency application process. Students across the nation have had to adapt to limitations in SLOE availability, an abbreviated clinical experience, and fewer opportunities for exposure to the field of Emergency Medicine. While official recommendations are outlined in our joint statement on the 2020 application process, students have variable opportunities available to them. URM students and those at institutions without an affiliate EM program, however, have less access to both home and away EM rotations, limiting their facetime with residency leadership to nearby programs able to accommodate “orphan” medical students. Join us alongside PDs from across the country in our live webinar as we discuss these challenges, and how to navigate them as a student in this unique application cycle.

  • Self-Care Tools: Creating CalmWith Acupressure & Visualization

    Apr 15, 2021

    In this interactive self-care virtual workshop the presenter will introduce evidence-based stress reduction techniques such as acupressure and visualization. Participants will practice, actual research-based techniques and walk away with an increased awareness of stress reduction strategies, concrete tools, and knowledge of how to access additional resources they can apply in their workplaces.

  • From Match to First Promotion Series: Gender Biases and Clinical Leadership: Stories, Situation, Skills

    Apr 15, 2021

    Join us for a panel discussion to explore gender identity and professional development in the practice of emergency medicine. We will navigate challenges related to leadership and conveying your competency while working clinically and offer strategies to overcome these challenges.

  • Leaders in Geriatric Emergency Medicine

    Apr 15, 2021

    The SAEM AGEM Outreach Committee is organizing an hour long Leaders in Geriatric Emergency Medicine Zoom event on December 16th, 2020 at 4 PM EST. There will be a panel of leaders in Geriatric Emergency Medicine speaking about their interest areas and roadmap to GEM, and the second part of the event will include two breakout sessions from which you may choose based on your individual interests: Adm/Ed/Policy and Research/Research Implementation. Please mark your calendars and join us virtually!

  • ADIEM Town Hall: Dual Identity: How Awareness of Racial Bias in MedicineInforms our Role as BIPOC Physicians

    Apr 15, 2021

    Topics will include: How do we address our patients' concerns about racial bias in the medical field? What actions do we consciously or unconsciously take to mitigate racial bias? In what ways have we been complicit?