SAEM EM Mentorship and Pathway Program Directory
Welcome to the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine’s (SAEM) Emergency Medicine Mentorship and Pathway Program Directory, a comprehensive resource for current and aspiring medical students seeking mentorship and guidance in emergency medicine
(EM). This directory is a product of the All Emergency Medicine Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force, and is led by principal curator Tai Donovan.
Programs listed in this directory offer a range of benefits, including clinical skills training, mentorship, webinars on career navigation, hands-on experience, and networking opportunities. Tailored specifically for underrepresented minority (URM) students, these initiatives aim to eliminate healthcare disparities, increase diversity in emergency medicine, and empower the next generation of healthcare professionals. Whether through virtual workshops, innovative eMentoring models, or partnerships with medical schools and organizations, these programs are committed to providing support and guidance to students at every stage of their academic and professional journey.
New programs will be continuously reviewed and added. To submit a program for consideration of being included in this Directory, click here.
Medical Student Programs
ACEP-PEM Mentorship Program
Organization: Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA) & American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)

Contact: ACEP-PEM Mentorship Program
Black Men in White Coats
Organization: Black Men in White Coats (BMWC)
Location: Illinois
Black Men In White Coats seeks to increase the number of black men in the field of medicine by exposure, inspiration, and mentoring. To accomplish this, we are partnering with various medical schools across the country to produce outstanding short documentary videos which bring awareness to this issue that not only affects the black male population, but also the nation as a whole.

Contact: Black Men in White Coats
Diversity & Inclusion Committee’s Summer Enrichment and Mentorship Program
Organization: SBH Emergency Medicine
Location: New York
The SBH Department of Emergency Medicine’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee is pleased to offer the Summer Enrichment and Mentorship Program (SEMP) as a 6-week intensive Emergency Medicine course for underrepresented minorities in Medicine. The goal of SEMP is to provide an in-depth introduction to the discipline of Emergency Medicine and to foster mentorship throughout the process of ultimately matching into the specialty. This program is designed for medical school students who have completed their first year in an accredited osteopathic or allopathic medical school.
The Association of American Medical Colleges defines underrepresented minorities in Medicine as “those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.”

Contact: Leslie Grant
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (718) 960-3912
DOCS (Doctors of Color) Program
Organization: Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Location: Illinois
The Doctors of Color (DOCs) Mentoring Program, a joint effort of Chicago Medical School and the Cook County Physicians Program, was created to promote and support medical students from under-represented minority groups. Students are matched with physician mentors who are alumni of Chicago-area medical schools, including CMS, Loyola, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago, Rush, and Northwestern. The students and their alumni mentors build and maintain professional networks and engage in other mentorship opportunities.
Contact: DOCS (Doctors of Color) Program
Phone: (847) 578-3204
Dr. Leon L. Haley, Jr., Bridge to the Future of Emergency Medicine Academy
Organization: American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM)
Location: Michigan
The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) created the Dr. Leon L. Haley, Jr., Bridge to the Future of Emergency Medicine Academy to honor the legacy of Dr. Haley. This program is specifically designed to provide Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) rising second-year medical students the opportunity to participate in an in-person, all-expenses-paid, two-week mentorship program at the ABEM headquarters in East Lansing, Michigan in June of each year.
Selected students join didactic lectures on topics such as reducing health care disparities, increasing diversity in physicians, and applying to residency programs. The students connect with thought leaders in URiM and are expected to complete a short portfolio project at the end of the experience. In addition, students travel to two nearby Emergency Medicine residency programs (Central Michigan University and Henry Ford Health System) for hands-on simulation and educational experiences.

Contact: Dr. Leon L. Haley, Jr., Bridge to the Future of Emergency Medicine Academy
EM Resident-Medical Student Mentorship Program
Organization: University of Michigan School of Medicine
Location: Michigan

Contact: EM Resident-Medical Student Mentorship Program
EMPACT Program
Organization: Emory’s School of Medicine
To deliver the highest quality care, Emory’s School of Medicine needs a team with various ethnic, cultural, and experiential backgrounds. Thirty percent of Emory’s current medical student population identify as historically
underrepresented in medicine (URiM). To address the unique needs of groups traditionally underrepresented in medicine, the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) established the EMPACT program in 2019 to support URiM students as they
progress through medical school.
“Diversity is not enough. Once students have gained access to medical school, students of color lack mentorship opportunities, face bias in the educational setting, and more frequently
experience microaggressions and racism,” explained EMPACT program director and associate professor of medicine Dr. Tracey Henry. “This leads to disproportionate feelings of isolation, self-doubt, and fear compared to their
With the mission of Engage, Mentor, Prepare, Advocate for, Cultivate, and Teach, EMPACT provides experiences that foster timely and successful matriculation through medical school. Students are paired
with a faculty mentor, but also operate as a peer or near peer mentors as senior medical students mentor their junior. This structure enables participants to learn more about medicine and ways to handle pitfalls that are more common
to their demographics and medical school cohort.

Contact: EMPACT Program
EMRA D&I /ACEP DIHE Mentoring Program
Organization: Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA) & American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)

Contact: EMRA D&I /ACEP DIHE Mentoring Program
EMRA Student-Resident Mentorship Program
Organization: Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA)
In addition to attendings and advisors, medical students often seek out residents — who are closer in age and have completed the application process recently — for advice. Residents are in a unique position to answer questions about daily life, benefits and challenges of EM residency, and factors to consider when choosing our specialty. A student-resident mentorship can be a mutually beneficial relationship and can provide additional guidance for a person considering the field of emergency medicine.

Contact: EMRA Student-Resident Mentorship Program
Individualized Strategic Enhancement Program (ISEP)
Organization: Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Location: Illinois
A career in the medical profession is extremely demanding in every aspect of life (i.e., emotional, intellectual, physical, financial). A successful and satisfying career in medicine requires a continual balancing of all the above-mentioned areas in order to be immensely rewarding.
To provide geographically and economically disadvantaged CMS students with tools to better establish and manage a life balance during their student years and beyond, and to increase their opportunity to fully achieve their personal and professional potential, Chicago Medical School has developed a voluntary individualized strategic enhancement program (ISEP). This program is designed to provide holistic support and the best learning environment for success.
Contact: Dr. Hector Rasgado‑Flores
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Leadership, Engagement, and Academic Pathway (LEAP) Program
Organization: Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)
Location: Illinois
The LEAP program aims to create a pathway to academic EM for underrepresented in medicine (URiM) medical students, with special consideration for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-serving Institutions (HSIs), and Osteopathic medical schools.
Contact: Academy for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine (ADIEM)
MedCEEP EM Bootcamp & Mentorship Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness Initiative (MedCEEP)
Location: Illinois
The Medical Bootcamp and Mentorship Program is a pioneering initiative designed to empower minority medical students with essential clinical skills, study techniques, and didactics that are often unavailable to them through traditional medical education pathways, especially in fields such as emergency medicine. This program seeks to bridge this gap, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of medicine.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
Mentoring and Educating Diverse Students and Trainees to Excel as Physicians (MEDSTEP)
Organization: Brown University
Location: Rhode Island
MEDSTEP grew out of an identified need for additional community and structured mentorship across The Warren Alpert Medical School and the affiliated hospitals for individuals who self-identify as underrepresented in medicine.
The program uses a group and peer mentorship model that includes students, residents, housestaff, and attendings to build community and create a safe space for discussion, education and professional growth.
Our objectives:
- Establish a system of mentorship for all medical students and trainees who self-identify as UIM
- Utilize the group mentorship model and peer mentorship to leverage the resources of the entire AMS UIM community
- Prepare mentors and mentees to address challenging professional situations
- Strengthen the sense of community at AMS for UIM faculty, trainees and students
- Create a safe space for discussion, education and professional growth

Contact: Mentoring and Educating Diverse Students and Trainees to Excel as Physicians (MEDSTEP)
Mentoring in Inclusion and Diversity (MIND)
Organization: UPenn/Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Location: Pennsylvania
The AMP mentoring families were originated in 2013 as another way to enhance and support our URiM community. Mentoring families are composed of 10-15 members who are a mix of talented URiM medical students, residents, fellows, and attending faculty with a wide range of interests and accomplishments from both Penn Medicine and CHOP. The overarching goal is to provide a vertical and horizontal mentoring system so family members can serve as a source of encouragement, be a support network, and contribute to each member’s professional development throughout the year.

Contact: Mentoring in Inclusion and Diversity (MIND)
Minority Med Connect Mentorship & Skills Training Program
Organization: Minority Med Connect
Location: Illinois
Minority Med Connect is dedicated to empowering International Medical Graduates (IMGs) and students underrepresented in medicine (URiM) by providing essential support, resources, and training tailored to their unique needs.
In the U.S., only 5% of physicians are Black or African-American and 5.8% are Hispanic, with minimal increases in representation since 1940. Coupled with the challenges of international training, this can make the medical
journey feel daunting for many.
As an organization founded by international medical students, we deeply understand the challenges and barriers that IMGs and minority medical students face in the medical field. We are committed to removing these obstacles by guiding our members through each step of their medical careers.

Contact: Minority Med Connect Mentorship & Skills Training Program
MOLA Mentorship Program
Organization: Medical Organization for Latino Advancement (MOLA)
Location: Illinois
The mission of the MOLA Mentorship Program is to provide sustained, professionally-supported relationships to underrepresented Latino/a students pursuing careers in health care.
The MOLA Mentorship Program aims to build a pipeline to health care careers for motivated high school and undergraduate students. Mentorship is provided in a team-based structure across all levels: Health Care Leaders, Physicians, Resident Physicians, Medical Students, Undergraduates, and High School Students.

Contact: MOLA Mentorship Program
Phone: (224) 236-2358
Nth Dimensions
Organization: Nth Dimensions
We develop programs focused on increasing the number of women and underrepresented minorities in specialty fields through specific and engaging programming.

Contact: Nth Dimensions
Sister to Sister Mentorship Program
Organization: Association of Black Women Physicians (ABWP)
The Association of Black Women Physicians (ABWP) is focused on closing health disparities gaps through community education, professional support of women physicians of color and mentoring future Black doctors.
Our guided mentorship program, Sister-to-Sister, is for black women physicians, physicians in training and pre-medical undergraduate students. These inspiring future physicians receive step-by-step knowledge and counseling from experts in the medical industry regarding many topics concerning becoming a physician from AMCAS and MCAT prep, managing anxiety during post-baccalaureate, providing financial solutions and more.

Contact: Sister to Sister Mentorship Program
Sneakers 2 Scrubs Mentorship Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness Initiative (MedCEEP)
Location: Illinois
Sneakers to Scrubs represents a dynamic group of minority medical students whose shared vision revolves around advancing increased representation in the field of medicine. This dedicated team recognizes the critical need to address the generational decline of black men in medicine, steering their efforts towards empowering young student-athletes.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
SNMA EM Interest Group Mentorship Program
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Contact: SNMA EM Interest Group Mentorship Program
Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience (SCORE)
Organization: Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
Location: California
The Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience (SCORE) program aims to (1) increase the recruitment of diverse trainees into academic medicine, (2) provide education and career development in support of Stanford Medicine's mission, (3) enhance the educational experience of Stanford medical students by increasing interactions with trainees from diverse backgrounds, and (4) foster opportunities for collaboration with other institutions where the visiting trainees are based. SCORE brings fourth-year medical students from diverse backgrounds to Stanford for a four-week residential clinical training program, where students will be matched with faculty and resident mentors who share similar clinical interests.

Student to Resident Institutional Vehicle for Excellence (STRIVE)
Organization: Rush Hospital
Location: Illinois
The Student to Resident Institutional Vehicle for Excellence (STRIVE) was established to support underrepresented minority (URM) medical students. RUSH recognizes support for URM trainees can make a huge difference and come in many different forms. The STRIVE program provides a safe space for learning in collaboration with residents and fellows at RUSH. STRIVE offers academic, social, and professional support while equipping students with examples of resilience, a community to discuss implicit bias and strategies to address the burdens of medical training.

Contact: Student to Resident Institutional Vehicle for Excellence (STRIVE)
Phone: (312) 942-6915
The Black Girl White Coat Mentorship Program
Organization: Black Girl White Coat Organization (BGWC)
Location: Illinois
One of the core pillars of Black Girl White Coat is mentorship.
We believe that mentorship is key for the academic and professional development of students pursuing higher education and especially those from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds looking to succeed in the world of healthcare. This is why we offer mentorship free of charge for Black and Hispanic students.

Contact: The Black Girl White Coat Mentorship Program
The SOM Diversity Mentorship Program
Organization: Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) School of Medicine
Location: Oregon
The School of Medicine provides mentorship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students through several programs. We aim to create a more equitable workforce, increase cultural competence and reduce health disparities.
Through these programs, we provide support to first-generation students and underrepresented students in medicine. Mentors work side by side to facilitate strong relationships and guidance with mentees. Mentees are provided a path to increased success and a sense of belonging by those who share lived experiences and interests.

Contact: The SOM Diversity Mentorship Program
UiM (Underrepresented in Medicine) Program
Organization: Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Location: Illinois
The UiM (Underrepresented in Medicine) Program provides a series of events and networking opportunities for students from minority grounds underrepresented in medicine. Events include a welcome luncheon at the start of each year, workshops, educational luncheons, and special presentations from guest speakers from across the country. These events provide additional resources and support to students throughout their medical education.
Contact: UiM (Underrepresented in Medicine) Program
Phone: (847) 578-3204
Pre-Medical Student Programs
ABPA Mentoring And Shadowing Program
Organization: The Austin Black Physician's Association (ABPA)
Location: Texas
In honor of our Scholarship Chair, founding Board member, colleague, and dear friend, the ABPA Board has unanimously voted to rename our scholarship program the Dr. Timothy George Scholarship.
Dr. George was passionate about providing underrepresented black students the opportunity to attend MCAT prep courses to help bolster minority representation in medicine.
The Austin Black Physicians Association is proud to offer scholarships for MCAT preparation courses.
In an effort to increase underrepresented minorities in U.S. Medical Schools, we intend to provide MCAT prep course certificates to those applicants who are chosen.

Contact: ABPA Mentoring And Shadowing Program
Phone: (512) 759-8110
Black Men in White Coats
Organization: Black Men in White Coats (BMWC)
Location: Illinois
Black Men In White Coats seeks to increase the number of black men in the field of medicine by exposure, inspiration, and mentoring. To accomplish this, we are partnering with various medical schools across the country to produce outstanding short documentary videos which bring awareness to this issue that not only affects the black male population, but also the nation as a whole.

Contact: Black Men in White Coats
Bridge to the Future Science Mentoring Program
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs/UConn Health
Location: Connecticut
An annual conference which brings together high school and college students to explore health care issues and prepare for health careers.
For students who have expressed an interest in a career in the health professions.
Beneficial in helping mentees gain insight into successful preparation for an application to professional schools.
Aimed at meeting the long-term objective of increasing underrepresented student representation in health professions programs.

Contact: Dr. Kerry-Ann Stewart
Assistant Director
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP)
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Location: Nationwide
Health Professions Recruitment Exposure Programs (HPREP) exposes high school students to science-related activities while introducing them to careers in the health professions.
Contact: Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP)
Alternative Email:
Mentoring in Medicine
Organization: Mentoring in Medicine
- To inspire and equip disadvantaged and low-income students to become health care professionals through academic enrichment, leadership development, civic engagement and mentoring programs.
- To engage, educate and empower students – from elementary to professional school – by providing resources, support and guidance to help them reach their true potential.
- To help meet the nation’s healthcare and science needs by diversifying the biomedical workplace.

Contact: Dr. Lynne Holden
MiMentor Health Equity Internship
Organization: MiMentor
Location: Illinois
MiMentor is a national mentoring organization committed to mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Our mission is to develop and support innovative and inclusive mentorship opportunities that will inspire the next generation of diverse healthcare leaders for underserved communities.

Contact: MiMentor Health Equity Internship
NHMA College Health Scholars Program
Organization: The National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA)
The National Hispanic Medical Association's College Health Scholars Program (CHSP), matches students pursuing public health and medicine careers with experienced mentors who will offer insights, advice, and unwavering support.
Program highlights:
- 1-1 mentoring.
- Access to key information from medical and public health admissions experts, students and financial aid officers.
- Access to a private online student group.
- Invitation to webinars.
- Strategies to address future obstacles.

Contact: NHMA College Health Scholars Program
Phone: 202-628-5895
Pre-Med SERVICE Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure And Emergency Preparedness Initiative (MedCEEP)/UChicago Medical Center Emergency Department
Location: Illinois
This Program seeks to provide UChicago undergraduates as well as Underrepresented Minority premedical students with clinical exposure (shadowing), didactics, community outreach, and career guidance facilitated by emergency medicine physicians and trauma surgeons, within the context of UCMC’s Level one trauma center and ER.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
Pre-Medical Minority Enrichment and Development (PMED)
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Location: Nationwide
Through the Pre-medical Minority Enrichment and Development (PMED) protocol, SNMA members act as mentors to pre-medical undergraduates and post-baccalaureate students in efforts to increase the medical school matriculation rates of underrepresented minorities. Examples of PMED Protocol include hosting pre-medical conferences, clinical skill workshops, and medical student panels. SNMA chapters serve as a vital resource for pre-medical students across the nation.
Contact: Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP)
Alternative Email:
PRIMES Mentoring for Medical School Admission
Organization: PRIMES Mentoring for Medical School Admission
Location: New York
In 2015, about 11% of US medical school graduates were Black, African American, Hispanic, or Latino. In 1974, after the close of the Civil Rights Era, the numbers were nearly identical. The goal of PRIMES is to change this by increasing ethnic and racial diversity in the medical fields through a targeted, data-oriented approach to formal, near-peer mentoring. Our free program identifies students from racial and ethnic demographics underrepresented in medicine (URiM) and pairs them with current medical students or young physicians who mentor them through the challenging process of becoming a medical doctor. Using the PrIMES system, the pairs progress through a year-long curriculum that is individualized to each Mentee's unique barriers and challenges to successfully applying and matriculating to medical school.

Contact: PRIMES Mentoring for Medical School Admission
Phone: (541) 206-8093
Readying Youth Scientists for Excellence in Medicine, Health Equity, and Discovery (RYSE MED) Program
Organization: Henry Ford Medical Group (HFMG) Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
Location: Michigan
Will you be a rising junior or senior in high school this summer? We need bright, young minds like yours to help us improve our community’s health. We encourage you to apply to our RYSE MED (Readying Youth Scientists for Excellence in Medicine, Health Equity and Discovery) program, which aims to support students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in medicine and who face structural barriers to pursuing careers in healthcare and research.
During this six-week intensive summer program and academic year activities, you'll learn about the many careers you can pursue in healthcare, from doctors to researchers and so much more. We are excited to support you on your journey to making a positive impact on the healthcare field — and on people’s lives.

Contact: Readying Youth Scientists for Excellence in Medicine, Health Equity, and Discovery (RYSE MED) Program
SNMA Clinical Shadowing & Mentorship Program
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Location: Nationwide
The Clinical Shadowing and Mentorship Program (CSMP) is a nationwide enrichment program serving associate premedical members (MAPS) of the SNMA. The program seeks to address and overcome the systematic barriers that interfere with the medical school acceptance rate of underrepresented minorities, especially those of color. In support, the enrichment program will provide several virtual clinical shadowing hours of medical exposure, professional development training, research experience, and most importantly a mentee-mentorship to each participating pre-medical student.
Contact: SNMA-Kaiser Fellow: Dr. Anisha Simpson
The Director of the Clinical Shadowing & Mentorship Program
Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
Organization: Robert Wood Johnson/AAMC
Location: Nationwide
The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer program for students to explore their interests in medicine, dentistry, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, public health, and more. The program takes place at our 12 partner institutions and offers students a chance to develop competencies for becoming successful applicants to health profession programs, plan academic journeys, get clinical exposure, and network.

Contact: Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
Mailing Address:
SHPEP National Program Office
655 K Street, NW – Suite 100
Washington, DC 20001
Alternative Email:
(202) 628-5895
Alternative Phone: 1 (866) 587-6337 (toll-free)
The Comprehensive Medical Mentoring Program (CMMP) Pre-Medical Bootcamp
Organization: The Comprehensive Medical Mentoring Program (CMMP)
The CMMP Pre-Med Bootcamp was created in 2021 to aid pre-medical students in the successful planning, preparation, and completion of their primary application, secondary applications and interviews for medical school. Students who are selected will be paired with both a physician and medical student mentor who will help to review/edit the participant’s AMCAS application components, review secondary application essays, and conduct mock interviews. CMMP understands that services such as these often come at a large cost in the private sector, which puts many minority applicants at a possible disadvantage in the application process. This is especially why each Pre-Med Bootcamp mentee receives our services at no charge.
Contact: The Comprehensive Medical Mentoring Program (CMMP) Pre-Medical Bootcamp
The Pipeline Mentoring Institute
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Location: Nationwide
Although one-fourth of the nation’s population is of color, less than 10% of its physicians represent that diversity. Evidently, there is an unmet need stemming from three general weaknesses:
- Passive recruitment and targeted exposure of underrepresented minority (URM) students to this field of study
- Inadequate preparation of URM students for the rigorous pursuit of careers in medicine
- A lack of a multi-faceted support structure for students already embroiled in these undertakings.
In order to create a diverse healthcare system, students’ preparation should begin very early in their academic career. The SNMA prioritizes exposure and education starting in elementary school with continued support throughout the trajectory of medical training through the Pipeline Mentoring Institute (PMI) and the Minority Association for Pre-medical Student (MAPS).
Contact: Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP)
Alternative Email:
Tour 4 Diversity
Organization: Tour 4 Diversity
Location: Nationwide
To educate inspire and cultivate future physicians, dentists, and pharmacists of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds by forming local connections in order to fulfill a national need.

Contact: Tour 4 Diversity
High School Student Programs
Bridge to the Future Science Mentoring Program
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs/UConn Health
Location: Connecticut
An annual conference which brings together high school and college students to explore health care issues and prepare for health careers.
For students who have expressed an interest in a career in the health professions.
Beneficial in helping mentees gain insight into successful preparation for an application to professional schools.
Aimed at meeting the long-term objective of increasing underrepresented student representation in health professions programs.

Contact: Dr. Kerry-Ann Stewart
Assistant Director
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Discovering Healthcare Careers
Organization: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Location: Illinois
Mentorship and Workforce Development's flagship program, Discovering Healthcare Careers, was launched in 2001. Today, MWD offers 11 different exciting programs for students that focus on a variety of topics in healthcare, such as shadowing opportunities, nursing, public health, research and much more.
For elementary and high school programming, we currently only work with Chicago Public Schools and the Noble Charter Network.

Contact: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
HVC Mentorship Program
Organization: UChicago Medical Center Heart & Vascular Surgery Department
Location: Illinois
The Heart and Vascular Center (HVC) Mentorship Program introduces high school juniors and seniors to a variety of healthcare careers by connecting them to physicians, nurses, advanced practice providers, medical technicians, researchers, executives, engineers and other professionals through a series of workshops and activities. This initiative is a part of the University of Chicago Medicine’s commitment to improving the health of community members on Chicago’s South Side and increasing diversity and representation of minorities in healthcare professions.

Contact: Aaron Manewith
Phone: (773) 834-3707
Jumpstart Doctors Academy
Organization: Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative
Location: Connecticut
For 9th and 10th grade students interested in medicine, dental medicine or biomedical research. Priority acceptance into the program will be given to former Great Explorations participants and students enrolled in Hartford Public Schools.
- Offers a four-week, Monday-Friday, Summer Academic Enrichment Program for the selected students.
- Offers a 25-week, Saturday Academy during the academic school year where students can continue to enhance their academic skills, college
preparation, and exposure to careers in the health professions.
Provides qualified students with an earned stipend.

Contact: Dr. Danielle Watt
Associate Director
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Phone: (860) 679-8031
Fax: (860) 679-7223
Junior Doctors Academy
Organization: Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative
Location: Connecticut
For 11th grade students interested in medicine, dental medicine or biomedical research. Priority acceptance into the program will be given to former Great Explorations and Jumpstart Academy participants.
- Offers a four-week, Monday-Friday, Summer Academic Enrichment Program for the selected students.
- Offers a 25-week, Saturday Academy during the academic school year where students can continue to enhance their academic skills, college preparation, and exposure to careers in the health professions.

Contact: Tracey Higgins
Administrative Program Assistant II
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Phone: (860)
Fax: (860) 679-7223
MAPP to CU (Mentorship & Pipeline Program to Columbia University)
Organization: Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Department of Emergency Medicine
Location: New York
This two-year program welcomes local high school students (9th and 10th grade) who are exploring healthcare as a potential career in the future. The group meets once a month for 8 sessions in an academic year. The curriculum includes many hands-on workshops and lectures, including favorites such as Tox Walk, EMS, and Simulation. Students build upon what they learn over the months and at the last session of their second year, they do a short presentation of a health-related topic in front of their peers and mentors.
Contact: Dr. Betty C. Chang
Senior Director of Social EM & Health Equity
Phone: (212) 305-1297
Medical Bootcamp Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness Program (MedCEEP)
Location: Illinois
The Medical Careers Exposure Program is a multifaceted, school-based program that introduces students to the many different medical career options available to them and so much more! This six-session program includes an Emergency Preparedness workshop and a TRAP Violence workshop. We bring this program to high schools in Chicago’s South and West Side communities.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
Pipeline Dreams High School
Organization: Patients R Waiting
Location: Pennsylvania
12-Week Program Will:
- Expose a diverse group of high school juniors and seniors from around the country to concepts of health equity, research, and various health-allied fields.
- Challenge them to think critically about health disparities to create and present a research proposal.
- Connect them with current clinicians in practice.
- Highlight opportunities for them to create their roadmap to a career in medicine.

Contact: Pipeline Dreams High School
Senior Doctors Academy
Organization: Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative
Location: Connecticut
For 12th grade students interested in medicine, dental medicine or biomedical research. Priority acceptance into the program will be given to former Great Explorations, Jumpstart, and Junior Doctors Academies participants and students enrolled in Hartford
Public Schools.
- Offers a four-week, Monday-Friday, Summer Academic Enrichment Program for the selected students.
- Offers a 25-week, Saturday Academy during the academic school year where students can continue to enhance their academic skills, college preparation, and exposure to careers in the health professions.
Provides qualified students with an earned stipend.

Contact: Tracey Higgins
Administrative Program Assistant II
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Phone: (860)
Fax: (860) 679-7223
Sneakers 2 Scrubs Mentorship Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness Program (MedCEEP)
Location: Illinois
Sneakers to Scrubs represents a dynamic group of minority medical students whose shared vision revolves around advancing increased representation in the field of medicine. This dedicated team recognizes the critical need to address the generational decline of black men in medicine, steering their efforts towards empowering young student-athletes.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
Summer Pipeline Program
Organization: Medical Careers Exposure and Emergency Preparedness Program (MedCEEP)
Location: Ilinois
Our interactive, eight-week Summer Pipeline Program targets students ages 13 to 19 from underserved communities surrounding the University of Chicago. Participants are exposed to various medical careers, receive guidance on applying into medical professional schools, and receive ongoing didactics and mentorship. The goal of this program is to encourage more young adults from our communities to enter the medical field, thus increasing access to health professionals for our communities, which traditionally suffer from the worst of health disparities.
Contact: Dr. Abdullah Pratt
The MAHEC Medical Mentoring Program (MMMP)
Organization: Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)
Location: North Carolina
The MAHEC Medical Mentoring Program (MMMP)—formerly known as the Minority Medical Mentoring Program—began in the fall of 2005 as an internship for underrepresented, marginalized, high school students who had an interest in the practice of medicine.
The program started as a collaboration between MAHEC, Mission Health, the Western Carolina Medical Society (then Buncombe County Medical Society), and other key community members. It was replicated from a similar program in Florida for African-American students. Our Asheville program initially targeted African-American students, then was expanded to include Hispanic/Latino students in 2009, and is now an inclusive program for all underrepresented students.
Now known by a new name, we will continue our commitment to students in Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools.

Contact: Leslie Council
Health Careers and Diversity Education
Phone: (828) 257-4479
Youth Internship Program
Organization: UChicago Medical Center Office of Civic Engagement
Location: Illinois
The University of Chicago Youth Internship Program is a paid summer employment opportunity for South Side high school students that is focused on strengthening the pipeline to STEM careers. Launched in 2021, the UChicago Youth Internship Program (YIP) serves Chicago Public School and charter school students over the course of two summers.

Contact: Youth Internship Program
Office of Civic Engagement
Phone: (773) 702-7547
Elementary Student Programs
Great Explorations Doctors Academy
Organization: Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative/UConn Health
Location: Connecticut
A science enrichment program that engages 6th to 8th grade students in hands-on science activities and college exploration.
- Offers a four-week, Monday through Friday, Summer Academic Enrichment Program for rising 8th grade participants. Students receive instruction in language arts, math, science, and college awareness classes and engage in educational programs to raise
awareness in the health professions.
- Offers a 25-week, Saturday Academy during the academic school year where 8th grade students can continue to strengthen their academic skills and college preparation.

Contact: Tracey Higgins
Administrative Program Assistant II
Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3920
Phone: (860)
Fax: (860) 679-7223
The Medical Mentorship Program
Organization: The Trayvon Martin Foundation
Location: Florida
The Medical Mentorship Program and Symposium pairs kids ages 11-16 who are interested in medicine or nursing and want to be paired with a health care professional.

Contact: Medical Mentorship Program
Phone: (786) 504-4235
Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP)
Organization: Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
Location: Nationwide
Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP) serves to stimulate elementary and junior high school students' interest in science and health.
Contact: Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP)
Alternative Email: