Position Statements


At SAEM we understand the value of words and the power they hold to enact improvement and bring about change. To that end, we encourage your review of the following SAEM Board-approved statements which reflect our Society’s commitment to addressing issues at the forefront of our specialty. We believe strongly in the statements we support, and we stand by them. We invite you to stand with us.

September 2024

SAEM Disaster Medicine Interest Group (DMIG) statement regarding Hospital Boarding Creates Critical Shortcomings in Disaster Preparedness. Read the statement - released September 17, 2024

SAEM & AGEM Response to Request for Information (RFI) on the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Strategic Directions for Research. 
Read the statement - released September 11, 2024

August 2024

SAEM & ACEP Response to Request for Information: Reforming the National Institutes of Health Framework.
Read the statement - released August 16, 2024

SAEM CDEM Response to statement request from the Alliance for Clinical Eduction (ACE) regarding guidance on fair grading.
Read the statement - released August 15, 2024

July 2024

SAEM Response to Request for Information:  Soliciting Input on Opportunities, Gaps, and Challenges in Global Health Research in Neurological Diseases and Stroke
Read the statement - released July 31, 2024

June 2024

SAEM Response To Request for Information: FDA-NIH Resource on Terminology for Clinical Research
Read the statement - released June 24, 2024

April 2024

SAEM24 Will Be Held in Phoenix, Arizona
Read the statement - released April 9, 2024

Statement Opposing the EDUCATE Act
Read the statement - released April 3, 2024

March 2024

Joint response from the American College of Emergency Physicians Medicine Organizations and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine to National Institutes of Health Strategic Plan for Data Science. 
Read the statement - released March 18, 2024.

Multi-organizational statement on the Emergency Medicine 2024 Match Results
Read the statement - released March 18, 2024.

July 2023

Joint Statement from Emergency Medicine Organizations on Efforts to Diversify Health Care Professionals in the United States
Read the statement - released July 20, 2023

June 2023

SAEM GEMA response to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) updated Policy Guidance for Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements.
Read the SAEM GEMA letter to NIH - released on June 26, 2023

May 2023

SAEM President signed letter to the World Health Organization Executive Board (EB152/3) to recommend the adoption of a resolution on “Integrated emergency, critical and operative care for universal health coverage and protection from health emergencies” by the World Health Assembly.  
Read the SAEM and GEMA letter to WHO - released on May 25, 2023

April 2023

AEM, AACEM, and SAEM's Evidence Based Healthcare and Implementation Interest Group Issue  Joint Statement on the Value of Peer Review and the Importance of Gathering Occurrence Data
Read the  Statement - released on April 18, 2023

March 2023

SAEM RAMS Statement on NRMP Match 2023
Read the Statement - released March 28, 2023

SAEM Response to the Request for Information (RFI): Future Directions in Violence Against Women Research
Read the Letter - released March 27, 2023

Multi-Organizational Statement on the Emergency Medicine 2023 Match Results
Read the Letter - released March 14, 2023

SAEM and ACEP Letter on Request for Information (RFI) on Proposed Simplified Review Framework for NIH Research Project Grant Applications 
Read the Letter - released March 10, 2023

January 2023

SAEM Statement on All-EM DEI Vision   
Read the Letter - released January 3, 2023

December 2023

SAEM and ACEP on Request for Information (RFI) on Developing Consent Language for Research Using Digital Health Technologies
Read the Letter - released December 12, 2023

SAEM and ACEP on Request for Information (RFI) on National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Strategic Vision Refresh
Read the Letter - released December  12, 2023

December 2022

       Multi-Organizational Letter Regarding AHRQ Report on Diagnostic Errors in the Emergency Department

       Read the Letter - released December 14, 2022

       SAEM endorsed the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act: National Letter to the Senate Leadership

       Read the endorsement list


November 2022

SAEM endorsed letter to the White House regarding the Emergency Department Board Crisis
Read the Letter

SAEM signs joint letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee to finalize FY23 NIH funding increase
Read the Letter


August 2022

SAEM23 Will Be Held in Austin
Read the Position Statement

July 2022

SAEM signs on joint policy statement on Minimal Standards for Safe Working Conditions in Emergency Medicine by the European Society for Emergency Medicine
Read the Policy Statement


June 2022

SAEM RAMS Statement on SCOTUS Decision RE: Roe v Wade 
Read the Position Statement

SAEM Statement on SCOTUS Decision RE: Roe v Wade 
Read the Position Statement

SAEM, EM Organizations Communicate Opposition to Doximity "Reviews" of EM Residency Training Programs
Read the Position Statement

May 2022

SAEM, EM Organizations Respond to Recent Shootings
Read the Position Statement which includes Statement on Firearms Injury

April 2022

SAEM RAMS and CDEM, along with CORD and EMRA, issue consensus guidelines related to expectations for emergency medicine rotations
Read the Consensus Statement for the Emergency Medicine 2022-2023 Residency Application Cycle Regarding Emergency Medicine Away Rotations 

SAEM issues position statement in support of the implementation and enforcement of policies consistent with “Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972” (Title IX)
Read the Position Statement on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

March 2022

SAEM and other leading bodies representing emergency medicine health care professionals around the world issue joint statement regarding the protection of health care workers and health care facilities in Ukraine
Read the  Joint Statement on the Protection of Health Care Workers and Health Care Facilities in Ukraine

SAEM and emergency medicine organizations issue joint statement regarding the results of the 2022 emergency medicine residency match
Read the Joint Statement on the 2022 Emergency Medicine Residency Match

October 2021

SAEM issue endorsement of the CA-CDS Consensus Statement, “Electronic Clinical Decision Support for Identification and Management of Child Maltreatment in the Emergency Department.” 

September 2021

EM Physician Organizations Form Mental Health Collaborative Issue Joint Statement and Call to Action Regarding Mental Health Care Stigma in EM
Read the Joint Statement and Call to Action Regarding Mental Health Care Stigma in EM

August 2021

SAEM signs Joint Statement on Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Care Research Activity Within the United States
Read the Joint Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Care Research Activity Within the United States

July 2021

SAEM signs Joint Statement in Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for All Workers in Health and Long-Term Care
Read the Joint Statement in Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

June 2021

SAEM signs onto Joint Statement on the Emergency Medicine Workforce
Read the Joint Statement on the EM Workforce

April 2021

SAEM signs onto Emergency Medicine Research: 2030 Strategic Goals

Read the Emergency Medicine Research: 2030 Strategic Goals

March 2021

SAEM signs onto the Consensus Statement on the 2021-2022 Emergency Medicine Residency Application Cycle Part I: Emergency Medicine Rotations and Letters
Read the  Consensus Statement on the 2021-2022 Emergency Medicine Residency Application Cycle

SAEM letter to ACGME: Common Program Requirement (CPRs
Read SAEM's Letter to ACGME

SAEM signs onto Letter to Support Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Action
Read the Letter to Support Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act

February 2021

SAEM signs onto Joint Statement Regarding the 2021-2022 Emergency Medicine Residency Application Cycle
Read the Consensus Statement on the 2021-2022 Emergency Medicine Residency Application Cycle

January 2021

SAEM signs onto the AAMC's thank you letters to members of Congress for investing in physician training that added 1,000 new Medicare-supported graduate medical education (GMA) positions under Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021
Read the full  AAMC Thank You Letter to the Senate
Read the full  AAMC Thank You Letter to Congressional Leadership
Read the full AAMC Thank You Letter to the House of Representatives

December 2020

SAEM Signs onto the AEUS letter to the ACGME regarding the Inclusion of POCUS within the EM Milestones 2.0
Read the full AEUS letter to the ACGME regarding the Inclusion of POCUS within the EM Milestones 2.0

October 2020

SAEM Signs onto Joint Statement Regarding Osteopathic Physicians and Emergency Medicine
Read the full Joint Statement Regarding Osteopathic Physicians and Emergency Medicine

SAEM Signs onto the Joint Statement Regarding Overcoming Barriers to Promotion of Women and Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Faculty in Academic Emergency Medicine
Read the full   Joint Statement Regarding  Overcoming Barriers to Promotion of Women and Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Faculty in Academic Emergency Medicine

September 2020

SAEM Signs on to Letter Opposing Doximity’s approach to ranking programs. 
Read the full Doximity Letter 2020

SAEM Statement Regarding the Efficacy of Facial Coverings
ACEP, AAEM, EMRA, CORD and SAEM recognize the growing evidence regarding the efficacy of facial coverings in combination with other measures to decrease the spread of COVID-19. We believe that the emergency department is not the proper setting for requesting or providing excuses from mask compliance.

August 2020

SAEM Signs on to Joint Statement Regarding Post-Graduate Training of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants 2020
Read the Joint Statement Regarding Post-Graduate Training of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

SAEM Equity in Crisis Standards of Care
Read  SAEM's Equity in Crisis Standards of Care Statement

SAEM and ACEP Provide Feedback to NIDA on their Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2021-2025
Read SAEM's and ACEP's feedback on an outline for the NIDA Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2021-2025

July 2020

SAEM Statement Regarding the Efficacy of Facial Coverings
ACEP, AAEM, EMRA, CORD and SAEM recognize the growing evidence regarding the efficacy of facial coverings in combination with other measures to decrease the spread of COVID-19. We believe that the emergency department is not the proper setting for requesting or providing excuses from mask compliance.

SAEM Signs CFAS Societies Statement on Racism and Police Brutality
Read the full statement on Racism and Police Brutality

SAEM Signs Joint Letter of Support for the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019, S. 348, H.R. 1763
Read the Joint Letter of Support for the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019

June 2020

SAEM Statement on the Death of George Floyd
Read SAEM and ADIEM Statement on the Death of George Floyd

May 2020

SAEM Signs Joint Statement Supporting Provider Health in the Post-COVID Pandemic Era
Read the Supporting Provider Health in the Post-COVID Pandemic Era

ACEP and SAEM Joint Statement on Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Read ACEP and SAEM's Joint Statement on Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

SAEM and Climate Change and Health Interest Group Sign on to Letter to the G20 Heads of State
Read the #HealthyRecovery Letter.

SAEM Signs Joint Policy Statement on Pediatric Care in the Emergency Department
Read the Joint Policy Statement on Pediatric Care in the Emergency Department

April 2020

SAEM Position Statement Regarding PPE for Those Working in the Emergency Department
Read SAEM's position Statement Regarding PPE for Those Working in the Emergency Department

March 2020

SAEM, along with eight emergency medicine organizations, has issued a joint statement entitled “Solidarity of Purpose"
Read Solidarity of Purpose of joint statement

SAEM Position Statement on COVID-19
Read SAEM's position statement on COVID-19.

SAEM signs onto AAEM’s Position Statement on Protections for Emergency Medicine Physicians during COVID-19
Read AAEM’s Position Statement on Protections for Emergency Medicine Physicians during COVID-19

SAEM Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
Read SAEM's Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

SAEM Statement on Commitment to Clinician Well-Being and Resilience
Read SAEM's Statement on Commitment to Clinician Well-Being and Resilience

January 2020

SAEM Resident and Medical Students (RAMS) Oppose the Sale of Graduate Medical Education Slots
Read RAMS' Statement Opposing the Sale of Graduate Medical Education Slots

2019 SAEM Statements & Joint Letters

2018 SAEM Statements & Joint Letters