SAEM Competency-Based Medical Education Primer

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Competency-based medical education (CBME) has been adopted as a foundational paradigm by many institutions and certifying organizations, yet remains challenging to understand and implement for many educators. This primer explains the core principles of CBME, describes necessary elements of CBME programs, and proposes solutions to common barriers to the implementation of CBME.

While the essential elements of CBME are universal across specialties, particular attention is given to implementation of CBME in the emergency medicine (EM) environment. This guide is designed to support medical educators in EM who want to develop CBME programs for their own learners, whether at large or small scale.  


What is Competency-Based Medical Education?
Essential Elements of CBME
Overcoming Barriers to CBME Implementation
CBME in Emergency Medicine
Examples of Successful CBME Programs
Annotated Bibliography

Want to Learn More?

The SAEM25 Consensus Conference on Competency-Based Training and Certification will develop a research agenda aimed at advancing the study of CBME across emergency medicine.

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