Academy of Emergency Ultrasound
To advance education and research of ultrasound for the bedside evaluation of emergency medical conditions.
The Academy of Emergency Ultrasound (AEUS) is an international forum bringing together clinician sonologists with the common goal of advancing patient care and safety through the use of bedside ultrasound. AEUS task forces promote the development of training curricula for medical students, residents, and fellows, as well as of tools and resources for further research and development.
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Meet the 2024 SAEMF/AEUS Grant Recipient
Meet the 2024 SAEMF/AEUS Grant Recipient
SAEM25 Schedule-at-a-GlanceEvery day is full of education, career development, networking opportunities, and more.
AEUS Spotlight
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Crowdsourced Question Bank for POCUS Educators
Tiffany Fong, MD
Director, Division of Emergency Ultrasound
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Whitney Brown, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine