Upcoming Webinars
SAEM webinars are free for SAEM members and webinar recordings are available after each event.
Recorded Webinars
Browse our growing collection of recorded webinars. New recordings are added regularly, so check back often!
Careers in Global Pediatric Emergency Medicine
May 24, 2023
SAEM23 Moderator Training
May 11, 2023
Patients, Providers, and… Police? Clinical and ethical ambiguities related to Law Enforcement Presence in the Emergency Department
May 10, 2023
Law enforcement officers interact with patients and clinicians in the emergency department (ED) for many reasons. There is no current consensus on what should comprise, or how to best enact, guidelines that balance law enforcement officer activities in the service of public safety with patient health, autonomy, and privacy. In this webinar, we review relevant clinical and ethical principles related to caring for patients in the presence of law enforcement. This session included a facilitated participant discussion on previous experiences, a case presentation, and a short didactic on laws, ethical frameworks, and suggested best practices.
Beyond Burnout - Achieving Personal and Professional Fulfillment in Academic Emergency Medicine
Apr 18, 2023
Wellness discussions often revolve around burnout. An important consideration in these discussions is personal and professional fulfillment. In this webinar, we discuss ways to improve fulfillment at the individual and organizational levels. This includes a focus on promoting a culture of wellness, improving the efficiency of practice, and individual factors such as personal resilience. This webinar also facilitates discussion on how we may set boundaries to prioritize our well-being, and how we may create an environment that empowers us to have agency.
Workforce Perspectives From Those Who Hire EM Physicians
Apr 10, 2023
As data regarding the Emergency Medicine workforce continues to evolve, rumors and conjecture can outpace the literature. The RAMS Board searched for a current leader who can speak to the evolving emergency medicine landscape. View this discussion with Dr. Leon Sanchez, MD, MPH, Chief of Emergency Medicine at the MGB Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital.
Navigating Simulation Fellowships
Apr 10, 2023
Are you considering simulation as a part of your career? Are you applying to simulation fellowships? Look no further! We have a panel of simulation fellowship directors and experts to answer all of your questions!
Financial Transition from MS4 to PGY1
Apr 10, 2023
As medical students prepare to transition to residency there are many financial issues to consider, such as:
- The importance of tax filings as an MS4
- Student loan strategies
- Disability insurance
- Home ownership
- Life insurance
- Roth IRAs -
AEUS Professional Development Series: Navigating Promotions for Junior Faculty
Apr 10, 2023
The AEUS Professional Development Series: Navigating Promotions for Junior Faculty, focusing on EM faculty with a career in emergency ultrasound, is a webinar designed to support and guide junior faculty members seeking promotion within the field of emergency ultrasound. The webinar provides specific insights into navigating the promotion process within emergency medicine and ultrasound.
Topics covered in the webinar will include an overview of promotion criteria specific to emergency medicine, building a solid case for promotion, developing a promotion plan, and effectively communicating achievements and goals to the promotion committee. -
Advancing Health Equity in Emergency Medicine Through Community Based Participatory Research
Apr 7, 2023
In this ADIEM/Social EM & Population Health IG joint webinar, attendees are introduced to the principles of CBPR and hear from current researchers who apply these principles in their practice. The panelists share their experiences in fostering community partnerships to advance health equity.
How to be an Effective On Shift Educator for Residents and Senior Medical Students
Mar 2, 2023
Join RAMS Board member, Michael DeFilippo, MD, as he talked with an expert panel about the tools and skills residents and medical students need to be effective educators while on-shift in the emergency department.
Trauma Informed Care in Emergency Medicine - Clinical Interventions
Mar 2, 2023
Traumatic events can have profound impacts on patients and providers in emergency medicine. This interactive panel session invites experts in trauma-informed care (TIC) to share how they have incorporated TIC into their clinical practices and institutions.
Show me the Money - SAEMF Grant Opportunities
Mar 2, 2023
Global EM Fellowships: What You Need To Know
Feb 22, 2023
This webinar recording is for residents and other trainees who may be interested in doing a global emergency medicine fellowship. The session was hosted by current fellows and fellowship program directors and addressed the following questions: Why consider a global emergency medicine fellowship? What types of fellowships are available? How should I prepare to apply for a fellowship? A second webinar later in the year will cover the application process details for those who plan to apply for a fellowship in the next 1-2 application cycles.
Highlighting Pathways in Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Feb 21, 2023
The session is sponsored by the SAEM Academy of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (AGEM) and will be guided by junior and senior leaders in geriatric EM who will share their experiences navigating their careers and answer your most pressing questions.
Humanitarianism and International Medical Corps: A View from Emergency Medicine Physicians
Feb 21, 2023
This moderated panel session, hosted by the SAEM Global Emergency Medicine Academy (GEMA) Humanitarianism Task Force, will feature emergency physicians who have worked directly with the International Medical Corps (IMC), a global, nonprofit, humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical services, health care training, and capacity building to those affected by disaster, disease or conflict. Panel members will discuss their experiences working with the organization and how it has impacted their careers in global health.
Moral Injury: What It Is, What It's Not, and What We Can Do About It
Feb 21, 2023
In this webinar, sponsored by the SAEM Wellness Committee, presenters will discuss what moral injury is, and what it’s not. We want our audience to feel validated for the distressing times they have encountered and apply knowledge of moral injury to understand what is within and beyond their control.
Finding Your Fit: How To Evaluate What Matters in Residency Programs and Create Your Rank List
Dec 5, 2022
In this webinar, a panel of speakers including both residency program leadership and current residents from across the country discussed the factors that are most important to consider throughout the residency application process when determining what makes a program a good fit for you. Ultimately, employing these tools throughout the interview process helps to facilitate creating a prioritized rank list for Spring.