Advanced EM Workshops

An Advanced EM Workshop is an intensive educational program that focuses on particular techniques, skills, and  practical aspects of the field. SAEM24 Workshops feature in-depth overviews or cutting-edge research related to academic emergency medicine in such categories as clinical innovations, teaching, gender and bias, and research. 


  • Full-Day Workshops


World Health Organization Basic Emergency Care Training of the Trainers Course

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

In partnership with the International Committee for the Red Cross, the World Health Organization presents the Basic Emergency Care Training of the Trainers (WHO BEC TOT) course. Developed to address the urgent need for emergency care education in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), this program equips facilitators to train frontline health care providers managing acute life-threatening conditions in resource-constrained settings. Participants will engage in case-based learning, small group discussions, lectures, and hands-on skills stations, enhancing their ability to educate healthcare professionals in LMICs. Sponsored by GEMA.

Grant Writing Workshop

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Designed to educate and mentor researchers at every stage of their careers, this workshop will focus on cultivating the necessary skills for effective grant writing. Through interactive didactics and small group sessions, attendees will explore successful strategies to elevate the quality and quantity of grant submissions in emergency medicine. Strongly recommended pre-reading and homework assignments will ensure a maximized learning experience, allowing participants to receive real-time feedback during the workshop. By the session's end, attendees will be well-equipped to transform their nascent ideas into successful grant proposals, driving advancement in emergency medicine and enhancing patient care outcomes. Sponsored by the Research Committee.

SAEM24 Consensus Conference: Creating a Diverse and Sustainable Emergency Medicine Investigator Pathway

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

The purpose of this consensus conference is to develop a comprehensive program (toolkit) aimed at creating a sustainable and diverse pipeline of federally-funded clinician-scientists in the specialty of emergency medicine. The scope of the plan will include strategies and tactics that specifically focus on undergraduates, medical students, residents, fellows, early career faculty, and mid-career faculty. It is anticipated that implementation of the plan will enable our specialty to meet or exceed our 2030 strategic goals for emergency medicine research.

Half-Day Morning Workshops


Be The Best Teacher: Clinical Teaching Educational Bootcamp

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Excellence in clinical teaching is crucial for emergency medicine faculty; however, many faculty members lack formal teaching training. This specialized bootcamp will explore specific clinical teaching techniques through engaging discussions, hands-on applications, and practice sessions. This intensive workshop will equip educators with the strong foundation, fundamental methods, and essential skills for impactful teaching in emergency medicine.

Breaking Bias: Cultivating Inclusive Learning Environments in MedEd

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

This enlightening workshop will delve into the often-neglected realms of equity and inclusion in medical education. While recruitment efforts focus on diversity, this workshop emphasizes the importance of fostering an inclusive culture clinically and in the classroom. Discover how bias manifests in feedback, evaluation, SLOEs, and opportunity gaps, hindering true diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Gain practical strategies to mitigate bias and cultivate a supportive learning environment. Gain actionable insights and techniques to become an effective upstander ally. Sponsored by ADIEM and AWAEM.

Clerkship Director Bootcamp: Best Practices and Expert Insights

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Emergency medicine clerkship management involves many elements: training residents and faculty, providing valuable feedback, completing end-of-shift assessments, and advising students on away rotations and applications. Clerkship directors are beholden to medical schools, departments, and students as both learners and advisees. Among the multifaceted responsibilities of clerkship directors is ensuring adherence to accreditation standards, especially during LCME evaluations. This workshop will dissect the many aspects and intricacies of running a successful clerkship and offer practical guidance on navigating potential pitfalls. Sponsored by CDEM.

From ChatGPT to the ED: Leveraging the Potential of Large Language Models in EM

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Using a combination of theory, hands-on exercises, and discussion, this workshop will explore the potential, challenges, and impact of integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into the daily operations of emergency medicine. Participants will discover how LLMs can revolutionize processes from EHR integration to administrative tasks and self-directed education without the need for programming skills or advanced mathematical knowledge.

Figuring Out the Fiberscope: A Practical Training Session for Emergency Physicians

May 14, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Whether dealing with a challenging airway, exploring foreign bodies in the posterior oropharynx, assessing glottic swelling, or conducting an awake intubation, the flexible endoscope is a vital addition to the emergency physician airway toolkit. In this hands-on workshop, a team of airway experts from diverse backgrounds will guide participants through didactic instruction and practical exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to perform multiple intubations, accompanied by real patient recordings and reviews of awake intubations. Coordinated with leading airway device manufacturers, this session ensures you understand not only the range of devices available but also the universal techniques necessary to manage difficult airways safely and successfully. Sponsored by the Airway Interest Group.

Half-Day Afternoon Workshops


Present Like a Pro: Crafting Compelling and Captivating Talks

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

The success of academic physician’s careers often hinges on their ability to teach, speak, and present their work. This workshop will elevate participants' skills, sophistication, and confidence in presenting and public speaking. Powerful and well-designed presentations are pivotal in effectively conveying your message. Conversely, inadequately designed or poorly delivered talks can undermine your credibility and influence. This highly interactive workshop offers a comprehensive approach to refining your presentation and public speaking abilities. It includes a step-by-step plan applicable to any future audience or presentation. Topics covered include understanding your audience, crafting your message, honing communication skills, mastering slide design from beginner to advanced levels, developing executive presence, overcoming nervousness, and ensuring high-quality delivery. Join us and transform your presentation style into one that captivates and inspires.

Stepping Up Your Procedure Game: Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks and Arthrocentesis

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sold Out

Utilizing ultrasound guidance for procedures is a critical skill for bedside clinicians that increases patient safety, procedural confidence, and opens new possibilities for contemporary pain management. In light of the opioid epidemic, a multi-modal approach to controlling pain is ideal with the use of non-opioid medications and ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. In addition to controlling pain, blocks can help with procedures, ranging from laceration repairs, abscess drainage to chest tube placement. Septic arthritis is a time-critical, joint-threatening disease requiring rapid joint effusion identification and aspiration. This workshop will teach ultrasound-guided arthrocentesis and joint injections of the major upper and lower extremity joints. This 2x2 hour course covers procedural setup, advanced needle guidance, relevant anatomy, and practical tips and tricks for ultrasound-guided nerve blocks (2hrs) and arthrocentesis (2hrs). The workshop will be taught by national experts with a strong emphasis on hands-on practice using live models and task trainers. Sponsored by AEUS and the Sports Medicine Interest Group.

Wellness Tools That Drive Change and Promote a Healthier Work Environment

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

In this workshop, we will address the multifaceted challenge of physician burnout with a nuanced perspective. Acknowledging the inadequacy of one-size-fits-all solutions, our multifaceted approach will focus on enhancing existing resilience while providing practical tools that allow attendees to make changes at all levels. Divided into three parts, the workshop will begin by exploring the latest data on stress and equipping attendees with the skills to teach these new concepts to learners. Part two will focus on reprioritizing professional goals and tasks, emphasizing the importance of work-life balance and achievable objectives. Finally, in part three, participants will gain valuable insights into implementing sustainable systems changes within their workplaces.

Elevate Your Scholarly Pursuits: A Medical Education Research Bootcamp

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Education scholarship is crucial for faculty advancement and the investigation and dissemination of novel educational practices. The ability to craft well-designed study questions, rooted in apt conceptual frameworks, and achieve outcomes that balance feasibility, significance, and relevance, is key to a well-designed medical education research project. This workshop will engage participants in all aspects of medical education research, from concept to publication.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Networking Best Practices That Empower Women in Academic EM

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Despite a decades-long increase in the number of women entering the medical field, the rise of female leaders, especially those from underrepresented in medicine (URiM) backgrounds, has not been proportionate. Join us to explore effective networking strategies, a vital catalyst for women's professional advancement in academic EM. We'll focus on the essential skills of networking and efficiency, addressing the specific challenges that women encounter and providing tailored solutions. Discover how to build a diverse network within academic EM and master efficiency practices essential for sustaining women in leadership roles. Sponsored by AWAEM and ADIEM.

Bringing the Outside In: Integrating Wilderness and Resource-Limited Medicine into Your Practice and Curriculum

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

This workshop will focus on teaching the fundamentals of resource-limited medicine and offer practical strategies for integrating wilderness medicine (WM) into your curriculum and practice. You’ll sharpen your skills by learning to rely on wilderness medicine techniques, which emphasize decision-making rooted in thorough patient history and physical examinations, guided by intuition rather than overreliance on technology. This workshop will also cover the art of improvised medical care and delve into environmental factors related to conditions seldom encountered in the emergency department, such as lightning strikes, exposure to toxic plants, and altitude illness. Participants will engage in interactive, hands-on learning within rotating small groups, focusing on essential skills and techniques. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to craft customized activities designed to be implemented in their respective institutions, ensuring practical application of the acquired knowledge. Sponsored by the Wilderness Medicine Interest Group.

Simulation Workshop in Facilitation and Teaching: Empower Learners with Effective Debriefing and Feedback

May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Simulation, team-based learning, flipped classroom — active learning is here to stay! The widespread adoption of active learning in medical education requires facilitation skills to engage students in thinking, discussing, reflecting, questioning, and most importantly, learning. This Simulation Workshop in Facilitation and Teaching (SWIFT) will equip participants with essential facilitation skills for active learning in medical education. Workshop participants will blend best practices in simulation debriefing and student-centered learning to acquire facilitation techniques to motivate student growth. Our interactive, immersive modules will cover debriefing, psychological safety, communication skills, and coaching. Sponsored by the Simulation Academy and Education Committee.

The Art of Writing Effective Multiple-Choice Questions

May 14, 2024 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM

This is an invitation-only event. CDEM has created three online tests and multiple quizzes for use by students and clerkship directors. Thousands of these exams are taken annually by students on emergency medicine clerkships, but additional work is needed each year to update the tests and develop multiple versions for administration. With an emphasis on experiential learning, this session is designed for CDEM members interested in item-writing and the refinement of formative and summative assessments for EM clerkships. Participants will receive advanced training for item-writing and blueprint formulation and will prepare multiple-choice items before and after the workshop, contributing directly to CDEM's comprehensive assessments used during EM clerkships. Sponsored by CDEM.

Evening Workshop

DEI Principles in Geriatric Research

May 14, 2024 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

As the population ages, it is becoming more and more important to include older adults in clinical research. During this evening workshop, learn how to make your research more inclusive of older adults. Dinner will be provided! Sponsored by the Academy of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (AGEM), the Academy for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine (ADIEM), Geriatric ED Collaborative, and the John A. Hartford Foundation.