Pediatric Emergency Medicine
About SAEM
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Interest Groups
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Interest Group aims to enhance pediatric emergency care by advancing science and education. Its mission focuses on improving care through training, education, and fostering collaboration between general and pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) specialists.
PEM Goals for 2024-2025 include:
- Encourage pediatric-specific submissions for SAEM annual meeting by the PEM interest group members and the PEM community-at-large.
- Generate nominations for the research and teaching awards in PEM for SAEM annual meeting.
- Create a research and/or teaching award for mid-career faculty.
- Rees CA, Brousseau DC, Ahmad FA, et al. Intranasal Fentanyl and Discharge From the Emergency Department Among Children with Sickle Cell Disease and Vaso-Occlusive Pain: A Multicenter Pediatric Emergency Medicine Perspective. Am J. Hematol.
- Walsh PS, Dupont AS, Lipshaw MJ, Visotcky A, Thomas DG. Cannabis Legalization and Resource Use for Ingestions by Young Children. Pediatrics.
- Runkle AP, Feliu M, Lo CB, Way DP, Mitzman J. Square Pegs in Round Holes: How do Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program Directors Fit Graduates of Emergency Medicine Residencies into their Programs?. AEM Educ Train. 2024 Dec 19.
Join Our Interest Group Today!
SAEM members wanting to explore pediatric emergency medicine are encouraged to join our interest group! Log into, click "My Participation" in the upper navigation bar, and click the "Update Academies or Interest Groups" button to join now.