Senior Resident

What Should I Be Doing My Later Years of Residency?
- Complete your toxicology rotation and reflect on your experience and program. The toxicology rotation is where most applicants "discover" toxicology, so it is at this stage that most serious applicants are expected to emerge. If you wish to pursue fellowship at this point, this is the time to network seriously with your rotation leadership. Express your interest, either during or after the rotation, and intent towards fellowship.
- Work to publish or present toxicology research you were involved with.
- Consider drafting a personal statement, which will be needed for your fellowship application. Ask your mentor/rotation faculty for feedback and guidance.
Research Toxicology Fellowship Programs
Make sure to fully understand the details of each program of interest for you. Unlike emergency medicine (EM) programs, toxicology fellowships are heterogeneous and it is important to fully understand these differences. Some examples of major differences include EM shift requirements, consultation method (phone-based vs. bedside consultation vs. inpatient services), and pay type (standard PGY rate vs. attending rate). Contact your mentor for help identifying programs that may best suit your needs, and access additional information on toxicology fellowships here or on individual program websites.
Strongly consider contacting fellowship program directors to show your interest and inquire about the program in more detail. Many program directors will be receptive to setting up a short meeting to meet and get more information about the program. Make sure your CV is ready at this point. While this is not required, it is recommended as toxicology is a small community and putting a face to a name can make you stand out.
Preparing Your Fellowship Application
- Draft a personal statement, which will be needed for your fellowship application. Ask your mentor for feedback and guidance.
- Polish your CV, and make sure a mentor reviews this as well.
- Reach out to appropriate contacts for your Letters of Recommendation early, as these will need to be done by the time you submit your application. If you did a toxicology rotation and you did not previously have a toxicology mentor, a letter of recommendation from the rotation director or faculty there with whom you worked more closely should be considered.
- Be prepared to interview as early as August of your last year!