Authors: Dana Loke, MD, MS; Justine Ko, MD; and Jared Mugfor, DO.
Editors: Kyle Suen, MD; and Justin Seltzer, MD.
Welcome to the Toxicology Roadmap, your definitive step-by-step guide on how to succeed in Toxicology at every training level.
Insider Advice
"I came to toxicology later in residency, though in retrospect I had a similar course expressed by many: I found myself gravitating most to the poisoned patients I saw in the emergency department and ICU...Importantly, I did not have a toxicology background going into fellowship applications, with zero toxicology academic work and really only my clinical and rotation experiences forming the foundation of my interest. So while it would have been ideal to have had a stronger 'toxicology' resume going into fellowship, I am proof that one does not necessarily need it in order to both successfully match and land a job doing toxicology after fellowship."