Get Training in Research
Apply For a Grant
SAEM Grants Guide
Why Do I Want a Grant?
Get Training in Research
Some grants are specifically designed to help those starting out in a research career. There are also some helpful programs that have helped many EM researchers develop the skills they need to obtain grants.
EMBRS grant (Emergency Medicine Basic Research Skills)
EMBRS grant (Emergency Medicine Basic Research Skills)
- EMBRS is a 11-day, 2-session program. The first session is held in November and the second session is held in April. This program provides a broad overview of the basics from idea to publication. Participants are required to attend both sessions. There is also a $5,000 grant competition as part of the course.
- F32 grant
- F32 grants fund research fellowships, which some argue are an ideal foundation for a research career
- More information on F awards at
- T32 grant
- F32 grants fund research fellowships, which some argue are an ideal foundation for a research career
- T32 grant
- Awarded to an institution for training of researchers
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) research training programs:
- NIH Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health Related Research
- Medical Students
- Residents