Administrative Fellowship
How to Submit
All applications and evaluations must be submitted through the online portal by 5pm Central Time on the deadline. If the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, applications will be accepted on the next business day.
Apply Now
New Application Deadline: March 31st
Renewal Application Deadline: September 30th
- Renewal applications are due the third year after initial application is approved.
- Subsequent renewals are due every five years.
Application Fees
- Application fee is $400 at the time of submission.
- Annual fee of $150 for years 1 and 2.
- Annual fee of $200 for year 3 and beyond.
- Please make check payable to "SAEM" and reference "[Type of fellowship] Fellowship Application."
- Checks can be mailed to: SAEM, 1111 East Touhy Ave, Suite 540, Des Plaines, IL 60018 or faxed using the credit card form [pdf] to (847) 813-5450.
You can download a copy of the Administrative Fellowship Application Form questions.
Please note, you must submit applications through the online portal. Emailed copies of an application will not be accepted.
Annual Reports
(Non-research fellowships only)
Annual Fellowship Evaluations are required of approved programs on March 31st each year. The annual evaluation will ask you to list graduating fellows. Please make sure to complete this form in order for your fellows to receive their certificate.
Institution Application
Approval of an Emergency Medicine Administrative Fellowship program is contingent upon a review of the institutional environment, current members of the faculty fellowship team, success of prior graduates and proposed curriculum for future fellows. Approved institutions must have an ACGME-approved emergency medicine residency program and evidence of strong support for administrative programs and leadership development in place. At a minimum, programs must demonstrate intradepartmental collaboration of the fellowship program with administrators, clinicians, educators, and researchers. For approval, a fellowship program must require concurrent or prior master's level training such as an MBA, MHA or equivalent for its fellows. Finally, scholarly activity of fellows is highly encouraged and programs must demonstrate access to mentorship in this area. Institutions must meet the criteria as set forth below.
Criteria for Approval
Description of General Program
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine recognizes there are many valuable non- ACGME-approved post-graduate training opportunities for EM residency graduates. In an effort to promote standardization of training within a sub-specialty area, guidelines have been developed for any eligible fellowship program to earn the endorsement of SAEM as an approved fellowship. SAEM has developed guidelines for training programs that address curricular elements, faculty support recommendations, and career development opportunities.
Approval of a fellowship is contingent upon a review of the institutional environment, success of prior graduates and current members of the faculty fellowship team, and proposed curriculum for future fellows. All approved institutions must have an ACGME- approved emergency medicine residency and support for administrative programs in place. They must demonstrate strong collaboration with clinicians, educators, and researchers as well as with other clinical services that supervise relevant rotations. This support may frequently be provided by collaboration with existing administrative fellowship programs in the institution. If such a program is not available for collaboration at an applying institution, careful attention will be given by reviewers to ensure adequate support is available including the opportunity for mentorship from high-level institutional administrators. Approved programs will demonstrate a requirement for pursuit of master’s level training such as an MBA, MHA or similar leadership/administrative program.
A site visit and/or interview may be requested at the discretion of the SAEM Fellowship Approval Committee members. Initial approval of a fellowship is for a period of three academic years (July 1 – June 30). At the end of the initial period, programs with demonstrated success can apply for renewal of approval every five years. Approved programs must communicate to the committee annually any changes in administrative emergency medicine fellowship personnel. In the event of the departure or replacement of the program director, a secondary review will be required.
Essential Elements for an SAEM-Approved Fellowship in Emergency Medicine Administration
An emergency medicine administrative (EMA) fellowship should prepare the participant to become a leader by combining theoretical and hands-on training in administration including expertise in clinical operations, quality improvement processes and patient safety. In addition to demonstrating strong clinical leadership skills, graduates also should gain the necessary foundational skills to generate scholarship that will facilitate career advancement in an academic environment if chosen.
- Administration – development of fundamental skills essential to managing departmental and hospital operations. This includes acquisition of advanced knowledge of: principles of effective leadership, continuous quality improvement, personnel management, workforce development, information technology applications relevant to emergency medicine practice, budgeting and accounting processes, and coding and billing. The fellow will acquire these skills via direct tutoring by expert faculty members and direct participation in committees and/or work groups that are responsible for managing these initiatives. Upon completing the training program, the fellow will have acquired expertise in operational and personnel management for emergency medicine.
- Education – the development of fundamental medical education experiences to allow the fellow to evolve as a leading educator in EMA. This may include establishing expertise in key areas of administrative core content as listed above, with educational materials developed by the fellow that can be used to advance the field of emergency care.
- Research – the development of fundamental skills in quality/safety , ED and/or hospital operations or clinical research to allow the fellow to evolve as a leading researcher in emergency medicine in general and/or EMA. The program should include focused health services research training, training in design and conduct of clinical trials, and training in writing and reviewing scientific manuscripts. By graduation, a fellow should produce a scholarly project, at minimum a well-developed potentially fundable proposal.
Fellowships should demonstrate how they will prepare graduates to become scholars, and may choose to have a curriculum that provides broad training in all areas of scholarship (administration, education, and research), or to develop separate tracks that focus on one or more areas of scholarship in more depth while still including a degree of exposure and training in all three areas. To be approved, fellowships must be two years in length.
In order to meet the standards for an approved fellowship, the following curricular elements (core content) must be addressed. All fellowships and graduating fellows must address the all of the core components of “Administrative skills” listed below, and, the majority of the elements of at least one of the two tracks (education or research) also listed below.
Administrative skills
- Development of policies, guidelines and/or protocols to advance care in the ED, transitions of care and follow-up care
- Development of policies, guidelines and protocols to advance patient safety and experience.
- Participation in performance improvement projects
- Participation in improvement in value based on financial analysis.
- Participation in quality review
- Participation in clinical data analytics
- Participation in the budgeting process
- Participation in local, regional or national groups outside of the fellowship institution to advance emergency care, education or research
- Completion of an MBA, MHA or other administrative degree
Educational Skills
- Curricular development
- Case-based learning series
- Simulation session development
- Delivery of educational topics to EM residents through choices of:
- didactic lectures
- podcasts
- textbook and chapter content
- skills workshops AEM journal clubs
- Mentorship of students and residents in administrative topics
Research skills
- Substantive exposure to research methodology and data analytics
- Proposal writing and review
- Analysis of existing literature
- Scholarly submission of individual research abstracts and/ or manuscripts
- Understanding of development of collaborative research consortiums