Research Learning Series

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RLS - Research Learning Series LogoThe Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) provides educational resources for novice and mid-career researchers through the Research Learning Series or RLS. These are recorded lectures, panel discussions, and podcasts.These sessions feature valuable research content delivered by experts in the field of emergency research. Sign up for the upcoming live webinars for free or view past recordings below.


Implementation Science (IS) provides practical frameworks and validated strategies that can be applied to the design of emergency department (ED) interventions, programs, and initiatives to improve patient outcomes. The goal of this session is to:

  • Introduce fundamental IS concepts as important tools not just for research but also for clinical operations and patient safety.
  • Illustrate how these concepts can be operationalized for rigorous implementation and evaluation.

This session provides an overview of IS and its basic tenets, introduces key IS frameworks, and describes how the frameworks can be used to evaluate the design and delivery of mixed-methods, clinical trials, and observational studies. The session also included a discussion of the emerging body of work of IS in emergency medicine physicians.

Archived Online Lectures

Learning from the Past Rigorous Retrospective Studies

Bryn Mumma, MD, MAS

Research within the EMS for Child Program

Mohsen Saidinejad, MD, MBA & Kate Remick, MD

Presenting Your Research

Annahieta Kalantari, DO, FACEP, FACOEP, FAAEM

Introduction to Missing Data in Clinical Research

Rebecca E Cash, PhD, MPH, NRP
Harvard Medical School

An Introduction to Network Science

Zachrison, MD, MSc
Massachusetts General Hospital

Pediatric Procedual Sedation in the Emergency Department

Corrie E Chumpitazi MD, MS, FAAP, FACEP
Baylor College of Medicine

Strategies for making the NIH K to R Transition

Willard W. Sharp M.D, Ph.D. FACEP, FAAEM
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Section of Emergency Medicine
University of Chicago

Challenges in Ultrasound-Based ResearchMark Joseph Favot, MD, RDMS, RDCS
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine,
Director of Emergency Ultrasound
Wayne State University

Manuscript Publishing Pitfalls and Pearls

Chadd K. Kraus, DO, DrPH, MPH
Director, EM Research, Geisinger Health System Emergency Medicine

Deep LearningRichard Andrew Taylor, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
ED Director of Clinical Informatics and Analytics
Yale School of Medicine