Yusuke Kishimoto, MD

Resident Member University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


My name is Yusuke Kishimoto, PGY2 from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), and I am running for AEUS Executive Committee's resident representative.

My interest in ultrasound started during my 4th year elective ultrasound rotation. Running around the department with the bulky X-porte, scanning as many patients as I could. I fell in love with POCUS’ versatility and utility in the department as well as providing dynamic real-time diagnostics for patients. As I attended various scientific assemblies, I became acquainted with many ultrasound pioneers from around the country and was inspired by their expertise, knowledge, and passion for the field. What excited me most was the explosive advancements just short of a quarter-century after it’s utilization in the department; the current frontier of applications in the prehospital setting, US-guided block curriculum, realistic SIM training, and even VR integration. All the aforementioned reasons are what moved me to learn more about how I could contribute and be a part of this community. In the future, I hope to share this excitement and inspiration for future students and colleagues as my mentors have for me. Currently serving on multiple national committees including AAEM/RSA (Board of Representatives, Cabinet of Delegates) and ACEP/EMRA (Arkansas Chapter Representative), I hope to bring my experience in leadership, advocacy, and education development for this position.