Sheryl Heron, MD, MPH
Professor-Vice Chair, Associate Dean Emory University School of Medicine
Sheryl L. Heron, MD, MPH, is a professor and vice-chair of faculty equity, engagement and empowerment in the department of emergency medicine, inaugural associate dean for community engagement, equity and inclusion and associate director of education and training for the injury prevention research center at Emory (IPRCE), Emory University School of Medicine. She is also a past chair of the emergency medicine section of the National Medical Association. Dr. Heron has received numerous awards including the Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s HOPE Award, the Women in Medicine Award from the Council of Concerned Women of the National Medical Association, the Gender Justice Award from the Commission on Family Violence, and was named a Hero of Emergency Medicine by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). She was named the inaugural president of the Academy for Diversity & Inclusion in Emergency Medicine (ADIEM) of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and is an editor of two textbooks on diversity and inclusion in quality patient care in emergency medicine. Dr. Heron has lectured extensively on topics such as diversity, equity & inclusion as well as wellness and well-being in health care.