Sara Schulwolf

Member-at-Large University of Connecticut School of Medicine


Hi! My name is Sara Schulwolf and I am an MD/MPH student at UConn, currently applying into EM. This past year, I have had the immense privilege of serving on the RAMS board as a medical student representative and I am thrilled to now be seeking re-election for the position of member-at-large.  

During my time on the RAMS board, I have served as liaison to the Research Committee and have come to feel passionately about fostering early mentorship in EM research. Research not only serves as a great career-builder and networking opportunity for residents and EM-bound students, but for the undifferentiated medical student can serve as a window into EM as a specialty. On a broader scale, research quite literally helps to shape the future of our specialty by promoting scientific discovery and advancing evidence-based medicine. As a RAMS board member, I hope to facilitate partnership opportunities between RAMS and faculty, and in doing so, help to increase RAMS representation in national meeting presentations. I also hope to continue to highlight the work of excellent researchers within our field at all levels via webinars, podcasts, and SAEM Pulse features.

In addition to my work with the research committee, I have also served as ad-hoc representative to the Bylaws Committee and hosted webinars around changes to the residency application process such as program signaling and the proposed platform switch away from ERAS. As a current applicant myself, I think it is imperative that EM-bound students be provided with the most up-to-date information on these changes as well as have the opportunity to learn about the thought process behind them from those with decision-making power. Especially for students whose institutions do not have strong EM advising, RAMS often serves as a resource hub for not only residency applications but also for succeeding on EM clerkships, navigating aways, and finding a niche in EM. I consider supporting EM-bound students to be both a great privilege and a serious responsibility, and, if re-elected, I promise to continue enhancing the content and accessibility of our offerings to best serve our membership.

SAEM, and RAMS in particular, have become invaluable communities to me during my medical education, providing me with not only tremendous academic opportunities but also with lasting mentorship and friendship connections. Now, as I prepare to enter residency, I have no doubt that I will continue to lean upon my SAEM and RAMS network to set me up for a successful transition. If re-elected to the RAMS board, I pledge to be a part of that support network for you, and to continue to push our organization, and our specialty, towards excellence.