Robert Stenberg, MD

Education Officer Cleveland Clinic Akron General


Hi, my name is Bob Stenberg, and I wish to be considered for the AEUS Education Officer. I am the Emergency Ultrasound Director at Cleveland Clinic Akron General as well as the Fellowship Director. I completed medical school at University of Wisconsin, residency at University of North Carolina, and fellowship at Virginia Commonwealth University. My focus is on education, with interests in nerve blocks, resuscitation and gamification. I currently serve as the Co-Chair of ACEP Critical Care/Resuscitation Subcommittee.

I love AEUS and Sonogames! I have published content on the AEUS website, run an annual 80+ learner regional games, and have participated in all rounds of Sonogames including a round 2 station lead. If I were elected, I would do my best to elevate Sonogames and continue creating online content, increasing ease and access for people to run local/regional operations. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.