Navdeep Sekhon, MD
Secretary Baylor College of Medicine
Candidate Statement
Hi, my name is Navdeep Sekhon, and I am running for re-election for the position of member-at-large for the Executive Board of Clerkship Directors in Emergency Medicine (CDEM). It has been a great honor to represent clerkship directors over the past two years. I have been an active clerkship director since 2016, and am very familiar with the issues that are important to clerkship directors. In particular, I am passionate about creating and maintaining CDEM related products that our members can use on their clerkships. In this light, I have agreed to help lead the CDEM Curriculum and Assessment committee for the past 2-3 years. This is a passion of mine, as it creates products that clerkship directors and students actually use- for example the M4 curriculum has over 300,000 views per year.
Over the past few years, I have helped to lead the updates of the CDEM M3 and Peds EM curriculum (. In addition, I am working with Dr. Tews to update the national CDEM emergency medicine curriculum and turning it into a unified national curriculum.
I also understand how important assessment is to our group, especially for clerkships that are unable to afford the NBME exam. Thus, I have been working with the Assessment subcommittee to update the M4 exam (which has over 7,000 users annually).
If elected, I will continue to advocate that CDEM continues to create and maintain resources that our clerkship directors and students use.
Over the past few years, I have helped to lead the updates of the CDEM M3 and Peds EM curriculum (. In addition, I am working with Dr. Tews to update the national CDEM emergency medicine curriculum and turning it into a unified national curriculum.
I also understand how important assessment is to our group, especially for clerkships that are unable to afford the NBME exam. Thus, I have been working with the Assessment subcommittee to update the M4 exam (which has over 7,000 users annually).
If elected, I will continue to advocate that CDEM continues to create and maintain resources that our clerkship directors and students use.
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