Emily Pauw, MD
Fellow Vanderbilt University Medical Center
I am writing to apply for the Simulation Academy Executive Committee fellowship position. I am currently a chief resident at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and have accepted the Simulation fellowship position here for the 2023-2024 academic year. My interest in this committee stems from my experience at SAEM 2022 in New Orleans, where I participated in Sim Wars as a part of the Vanderbilt team and did an oral poster presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience as a resident participant and want to continue to encourage resident participation as I become a fellow next year. I decided on simulation as a career path during my second year of residency but had difficulty finding centralized resources for fellowship information and how to get involved in simulation leadership as a resident. If elected, I would design an organized, easily accessible database of information about simulation fellowship positions, career resources for residents interested in simulation, and connections with nationwide simulation faculty to foster mentorship. The earlier in their training residents have access to this, the more prepared they will be able to make the decision to pursue simulation as a career. I would additionally advocate and fundraise for resident scholarships to participate in simulation opportunities (national/regional conferences, SimWars, educational courses). As a current resident, I have an intimate understanding of the resident experience trying to pursue a career in simulation and have many ideas for opportunities to improve this experience.