Cameron Gettel, MD, MHS
President-Elect Yale School of Medicine
Candidate Statement
My name is Cameron Gettel, and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. I have been a member of the SAEM AGEM since 2016 after developing an interest in all things geriatric emergency medicine as a resident. I have been fortunate to be the recipient of a welcoming academic home within SAEM’s AGEM and have benefited immensely from the mentorship and collaborative opportunities across the group. As a Member-at-Large on AGEM’s Executive Committee for the past two years I have become familiar with what is required for the Academy to continue its success and growth and have contributed to AGEM’s spirit directly by: 1) working to enhance the career and professional development of junior clinician-investigators through webinars, 2) contributing to a membership drive that saw a considerable rise in AGEM membership and increased funds to the Academy, and 3) liaising with SAEM Pulse to promote the great work of our members on a bimonthly basis. If selected as AGEM President, I aim to continue building the geriatric EM community by promoting mentorship and collaboration among its members, encouraging innovation through research and education, and ultimately improving the clinical care for older adults seeking emergency care.
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