Zachary Boivin, MD

Secretary Yale School of Medicine

Candidate Statement

My name is Zach Boivin, an ultrasound faculty member at Yale, and I am running for a secretary position for AEUS. Since starting fellowship, I have always enjoyed being active in both the AEUS and ACEP ultrasound sections, and have worked closely with AEUS to develop Probing the Literature sessions, sonogames round 2 stations, an ocular POCUS narrated lecture video, and more. My goal as member-at-large is to increase the number of members who get involved in AEUS activities to give a chance for all ultrasound faculty members, residents, and medical students with an interest in POCUS to shine.

Additionally, I would work to foster increased collaboration across AEUS committees to ensure members know of all opportunities to get involved. There are so many amazing AEUS members with different strengths and skill sets that can be utilized to further the goals of the section and I hope to work closely with everyone!