Ryan Tsuchida, MD

President-Elect University of Wisconsin

Candidate Statement

My name is Dr. Ryan Tsuchida (he/him) and I am grateful for the privilege to run for the position of President-Elect for ADIEM. I am committed to advancing academic emergency medicine and ensuring its future is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. These core values are reflected in the work of ADIEM and, as President-Elect, I will work collaboratively with our growing talent of ADIEM members to advance our organization’s mission. This work is not new to me as I bring substantial experience having previously served as the inaugural Chair of SAEM’s Equity and Inclusion – Data and Metrics Subcommittee, as ADIEM’s Membership Committee Chair, and most recently, as ADIEM’s Secretary-Treasurer.

I understand the relevant problems, practical solutions, and common barriers to DEI work. I serve as the Assistant Dean of Multicultural Affairs for Health Professions Learners at the University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health which has provided me with a broad perspective and relevant experience in organizational DEI leadership. I have experience in pathway program development, recruitment and retention strategies, organizational strategic planning, and health equity curriculum development. I have developed a reputation amongst my peers as a reliable, compassionate, and effective leader. As President-Elect for ADIEM, I will use these experiences to advocate for impactful and authentic change. I am grounded by the tenets of cultural humility which promote life-long learning, mitigating power imbalances, and promoting institutional accountability. It would be an honor to serve as your President-Elect for ADIEM.