Haley Plattner, MD

Fellow Rush University

Candidate Statement

I am currently a chief resident and the incoming simulation fellow at Rush University Medical Center. I have been drawn to Simulation as an effective tool for training medical professionals to become better clinicians, team members, and proceduralists in a risk-free environment. During both my medical school and residency training, I have sought to be involved in designing simulation experiences. This includes organizing a SimWars competition for our Emergency Medicine Interest Group in medical school. During residency I also designed a model for practicing a resuscitative hysterotomy, a procedure lab for practicing dislocation reductions and wrote communication cases to train residents in effective on-shift teaching methods with medical students . As chief resident this year in my program, I have also been involved in curriculum design for our residency and have planned our didactic calendar for the academic year. I have prioritized lecture content relevant to learning the practice of medicine and covered board-preparation  materials for my fellow residents. Each of these experiences has invigorated my passion for teaching and finding effective ways to practice and improve skills that are needed in the practice of emergency medicine .

I am running for the fellowship position on the Simulation Academy Executive Committee as I am passionate about helping simulation as an educative strategy become more accessible to Emergency Medicine Residencies and Medical Schools. In this position I would be an advocate for medical students, residents, and programs to have even more access to simulation materials through the SAEM Simulation Academy. I would advocate for expanding access SimWars access to medical students and continue making SimWars more accessible for residents as well. I would also work to implement a mentorship program for those interested in simulation in their career to connect medical students and residents with those already in the field.