Danier Ong, MD
Fellow Saint Louis University
Candidate Statement
I am currently chief resident at the Saint Louis University emergency medicine residency program, and I was recently accepted to the University of California, Davis simulation fellowship program. Additionally, I previously served as vice chair of the Emergency Medicine Residents Association simulation committee in 2023 - 2024. These roles have given me valuable leadership experience, as well as personal insight into some of the challenges that prospective simulation fellows face as they define their future careers.
Prospective simulation fellows benefit from mentorship and networking to guide their professional trajectory. The Simulation Academy holds an experienced pool of simulation faculty and serves as an ideal source for career guidance. If elected, my primary goal would involve improving outreach to prospective and current simulation fellows and early career simulation faculty. I believe this can be achieved with increased social media outreach and increased collaboration with residents and medical students (RAMS).
As chief resident and the lead for my residency program’s social committee, I feel confident that I have the organizational and communication skills to help the Simulation Academy reach a larger audience. For example, further utilization of the Simulation Academy instagram would be an excellent avenue to not only engage the next generation of simulation educators, but also tailor Simulation Academy events to the needs of our younger members. Additionally, I would like to establish a mentorship track between Simulation Academy and RAMS. Finally, I would be interested in developing publicly available Simulation Academy educational materials and guides for those seeking a career in simulation. These efforts will enable the Simulation Academy to stand out as the primary voice and most comprehensive avenue for simulation mentorship.
Prospective simulation fellows benefit from mentorship and networking to guide their professional trajectory. The Simulation Academy holds an experienced pool of simulation faculty and serves as an ideal source for career guidance. If elected, my primary goal would involve improving outreach to prospective and current simulation fellows and early career simulation faculty. I believe this can be achieved with increased social media outreach and increased collaboration with residents and medical students (RAMS).
As chief resident and the lead for my residency program’s social committee, I feel confident that I have the organizational and communication skills to help the Simulation Academy reach a larger audience. For example, further utilization of the Simulation Academy instagram would be an excellent avenue to not only engage the next generation of simulation educators, but also tailor Simulation Academy events to the needs of our younger members. Additionally, I would like to establish a mentorship track between Simulation Academy and RAMS. Finally, I would be interested in developing publicly available Simulation Academy educational materials and guides for those seeking a career in simulation. These efforts will enable the Simulation Academy to stand out as the primary voice and most comprehensive avenue for simulation mentorship.