Alaa Aldalati, MD
Secretary Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Candidate Statement
I graduated from Alfaisal University Medical school, Saudi Arabia in 2018. The path for emergency medicine residency as an international graduate was not an easy one, yet, persistence was a key. I pursued emergency medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic in which I was elected as a chief resident. I’m currently a simulation fellow at Brown Emergency Medicine. Throughout residency and fellowship, I have had multiple national rules. I served as the resident ambassador for the American Board of Emergency Medicine from 2020-20222. I’m currently the vice chair for the young physicians subcommittee under SAEM simulation. I’m also the vice-chair for the simulation committee at EMRA.
I’m looking forward to join SAEM simulation executive committee as a simulation fellow. It is a great opportunity to work closely with the leaders in simulation nationally. I’m hoping to join the expertise to promote and make networking and mentorship opportunities that would highly impact the professional career development for simulation fellows and young physicians. If I get elected, I’d do my best to aid in fulfilling the Simulation Academy mission.
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