Amanda Michelle Ritchie, MD
Member-at-Large Louisiana State University
My name is Amanda, and I’m currently a second-year resident in the internal medicine / emergency medicine program at Louisiana State University. I’m from a city in northern Alberta, Canada and initially received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alberta. I worked as a Registered Nurse for several years, mostly in the Intensive Care Unit before obtaining my medical degree from Saint James School of Medicine. While at medical school, I founded and was the president of the school’s EMIG and continue to mentor the group. I also went back to working as an RN in the COVID ICU back in Canada while going through the match process. I am very passionate about wellness and my involvement in SAEM started with serving on the wellness committee, where I have continued to work for the past 3 years. My goal if elected would be to continue to develop wellness programming and resources for residents and medical students, with a focus on #selfcompassion, moral injury, debriefing strategies, and how to tackle imposter syndrome. I would also like to increase awareness of International Medical Graduates as strong candidates for residency in emergency medicine and develop a system to help support them through their journey.