Episode 5: Dr. Elizabeth Goldberg
Elizabeth M. Goldberg, MD, ScM
Brown University
I completed a four year emergency medicine residency at Brown University. After two years as EM faculty, I started a three year post-doctoral research fellowship at the Center of Gerontology and Health Care Research (AHRQ T32 funded) at the Brown School of Public Health. I completed a master of science in epidemiology during this time and improved my research methods and clinical geriatrics skills. I am currently the geriatric faculty champion for our health system, which cares for 280,000 ED patients per year. In this role, I am liaison with the division of geriatrics and palliative care and have championed several initiatives. These include leading a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders to develop a new state-wide nursing home to ED transfer form, implementing informatics solutions to improve safe prescribing for older adults, and creating a Nurse Innovators in Aging program to encourage ED nurses to obtain their gerontology certification. I have held a GEMSSTAR and currently hold a BEESON grant to test a fall prevention intervention, GAPcare. I have been an active leader within SAEM since I was a resident and served as the EMRA research committee vice chair and chair. As faculty I have been a member of AWAEM and served as didactics committee co-chair for two years and subsequently as the VP of Education. I am currently the Treasurer for AGEM and this role has given me an opportunity to focus on our AGEM priorities and work closer with the executive committee. I would be excited to lead AGEM and help us grow our outreach efforts and funding, so that we can improve geriatric ED care for our patients and our research efforts.