


Join us as we transform a basic ballroom into the most amazing dodgeball court ever, complete with bleachers, hot dogs, cold suds, and cheering fans! This grownup twist to the classic playground game pits emergency medicine residency teams from all over the country in an epic battle to the finish and the right to call themselves dodgeball champs. Limited spots are available, so pull your team together soon and sign up for an opportunity to dodge, duck, dip, dive...and dodge to victory! (Sponsored by SAEM RAMS)

The Basics

The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by: 

  • Stepping over a sideline or center line (except for the opening rush).

  • Hitting an opposing player with a live thrown ball below the shoulders.

  • Catching a live ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground.

If you are out, line up on the side in the order you came out (think of it as being in a “resurrection” line). If your teammate catches a ball, the player at the start of your team’s “resurrection” line comes back into play. A “live” ball is one that has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player, official or other item outside of the playing field (wall, ceiling, etc).

The Teams

  • Teams must be coed and made up of 6-10 players.

  • Six players will compete on a side. 

  • At least 2 players from each gender must participate at the start of the game.

  • Other team members will serve as substitutes. Substitutes may enter the game only during timeouts or in the case of injury.

The Playing Field

  • The hotel ballroom shall serve as the playing field.

  • The field shall be divided into two equal sections by a center line and attack lines, parallel to the center line.

Timing and Winning 

  • The tournament will be a 16-team, double-elimination format.

  • The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner.

  • A 3-minute time limit has been established for each contest. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the three minutes, the team with the greater number of players remaining will be declared the winner.

  • Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams.

  • Prizes will be awarded for best team uniforms and names.

Timeouts, Substitutions & Boundaries  

  • Each team is allowed one, 30-second timeout per game. At this time a team may substitute players into the game.

  • During play, all players must remain within the boundary lines.

  • Players may leave the boundaries through their end line only to retrieve stray balls. They must also return through their end line.

The Opening Rush

  • The game begins by placing the dodge balls along the centerline — three on one side of the center hash and three on the other.

  • Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the center line to retrieve balls. This signal officially starts the contest.

  • Teams may only retrieve the three balls to their right of the center hash. Once a ball is retrieved it must be taken behind the attack line before it can be legally thrown.

Time Violations

  • To reduce stalling, a violation will be called if a team in the lead controls all six balls on their side of the court for more than five seconds.

  • Any player who holds onto a ball for more than 10 seconds without throwing it will be penalized for stalling and must forfeit it to the other side.

Rules Enforcement

  • Rules will be enforced primarily by the “honor system.”

  • Players will be expected to rule whether or not a hit was legal or whether they were legally eliminated.

  • The referee’s responsibility will be to rule in any situation on which teams cannot agree. The referee’s decision is final—No exceptions and no whining! 

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