Outstanding Reviewers

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Academic Emergency Medicine Education & Training (AEM E&T) Editor-in-Chief Susan B. Promes, MD, MBA, has named the following individuals as the AEM E&T Outstanding Peer Reviewers for 2023. These exceptional peer reviewers are essential to presenting the high-quality academic contributions that fill the pages of AEM E&T each issue.

Outstanding Reviewers 2018-2023

Joshua Davis, MD, has met all the criteria for outstanding reviewer for the past six years in a row.

Outstanding Reviewers 2023

Matthew Ball, MD

Mark Curato, DO

Joshua Davis, MD

Daniel Egan, MD

Nicholas Hartman, MD, MPH

Corlin Jewell, MD

Annahieta Kalantari, DO 

Joel Moll, MD

Outstanding Reviewers 2022

Matthew Ball, MD

Ryan Bodkin, MD

Jeremy Branzetti, MD

Merle Carter, MD

Joshua Davis, MD

Daniel Egan, MD

Abra Fant, MD

Nikhil Goyal, MD

Andrew Grock, MD

Nicholas Hartman, MD, MPH

Jeffery Hill, MD

Annahieta Kalantari, DO 

Jason Lewis, MD

Joel Moll, MD

Ryan Pedigo, MD, MHPE

Antonia Quinn, DO

Benjamin Schnapp, MD, MEd

Melissa Tavarez, MD, MS