Linda Regan, MD

Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University


Dr. Linda Regan is associate professor and vice chair for education in the department of emergency medicine at Johns Hopkins University. She serves as program director for the emergency medicine residency program, the combined EM-anesthesia residency program, and the medical education fellowship. Dr. Regan is known for her work as an educational program builder and for the Focused Advanced Specialty Track (FAST) program, which allows residents to develop a focused niche during their final year.

Dr. Regan’s interests include curriculum development and evaluation, resident evaluation and feedback, and applications of adult learning theory to postgraduate education. She has extensive experience in resident remediation, particularly for professionalism and communication skills, and frequently lectures on this topic. She oversees faculty development and runs a robust longitudinal program in her department. Her clinical interests involve special population topics. Dr. Regan has received multiple teaching awards, including the 2012 ACEP Faculty Teaching Award and the 2016 EMRA Residency Director of the Year award.

Dr. Regan served on the program committee for the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine (CORD) for many years, including three years as a track chair for the Best Practices track. She served for four years on the CORD Board of Directors and is a current member of the RRC in emergency medicine.