Daniel N. Jourdan, MD, NRP

Resident Member Henry Ford Hospital - Detroit


Emergency Medicine has always been my calling – four years as a special operations soldier, five as a street paramedic and now my fourth year of residency – I knew I wanted to do EM and continue operating on the frontlines of medicine even before starting undergrad. As such, it has been my pleasure to serve as President of the RAMS Board. Prior to that, I spent three years as a RAMS Board Member-at-Large. My involvement has enabled participation in a multitude of projects from starting an online residency fair in response to COVID travel restrictions to advocating for better understanding of and guidelines for Advance Practice Providers in Academic Emergency Departments. As Board President, I have focused on improving the efficiency and efficacy of a maturing board; specifically on professionalizing the efforts of the Board with focus on measures to increase the boards potential success in their selected efforts via increased use of online voting, task forces and dedicated agenda setting. This has freed up board members times to enable them to better focus on their respective interests.

However, the challenges facing the specialty continue to grow: an uncertain future job market, unchecked growth of residency training slots, prolonged boarding, diminishing psychiatric resources and continued mid-level encroachment. All factors which certainly contributed to the precipitous drop in EM applicants over the past few years. Yet, these challenges are not insurmountable. I am running for Resident Member to the SAEM Board because I believe we need to do more in the face of these challenges. My prior experience as a leader of RAMS will allow me to effectively voice Resident and Medical Student concerns to the SAEM Board and advocate for my constituents. With the avalanche of challenges facing the profession, I think it more important than ever that the elected leaders of SAEM focus their efforts on meeting the needs of its members with strategic efforts and goal driven advocacy.

As the Resident Member to the SAEM Board, I believe you occupy a crucial position to advise the SAEM Board on RAMS Members' concerns. My years of experience on the RAMS Board enables me to bring a seasoned and experienced voice to speak for Residents and Medical Students to the SAEM Board. I will ensure our RAMS Members have a spot at the table where decisions regarding their future are being made and ensure solutions incorporate our input. I will continue to advocate for limits on mid-level encroachment, stricter guidelines on residency program growth and against the further corporatization of medicine. Most important, I will ensure SAEM continues to meet its RAMS members where they are – providing resources, opportunities and advocacy in line with our members’ needs.