SAEM24 Will Be Held in Phoenix, Arizona

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Given the recent developments in Arizona regarding reproductive healthcare, we acknowledge the concerns raised by some of our members regarding the SAEM24 Annual Meeting scheduled to be held in Phoenix, Arizona. We understand that today’s (April 9, 2024) decision by the Arizona Supreme Court may conflict with the values of some of our members.

The SAEM Board of Directors has carefully considered the input from our membership regarding the location of our annual meetings. We recognize the diversity of opinions within our organization and the importance of respecting all viewpoints. We appreciate our members' engagement in this critical discussion.

After thorough deliberation, the Board has decided to uphold its commitment to hold the SAEM24 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, as originally planned. This decision is based on several factors:

  • SAEM is dedicated to rotating the geographic location of our annual meetings to provide accessibility to all our members across the United States. Holding the conference in Phoenix allows us to support our members in the southwest region who have been anticipating a local gathering.
  • Contracts for annual meeting venues are secured years in advance, and changing locations entails significant financial implications. Renegotiating the venue for SAEM24 would incur substantial costs, ultimately impacting our ability to fulfill our mission to advance education, research, and professional development in academic Emergency Medicine to serve our members effectively.
  • As an organization, we take our fiduciary responsibility seriously, ensuring that member dues are used efficiently to support SAEM's operations and initiatives. Redirecting funds to relocate the meeting would preclude our ability to meet core objectives.
While we understand that this decision may not align with the preferences of all our members, we remain committed to fostering open dialogue and engagement. We encourage members with concerns about the conference location to continue sharing their feedback with us.

We sincerely appreciate the dedication and partnership of our members. Your contributions are integral to advancing the field of emergency medicine and improving patient care. We look forward to your continued involvement as we work together to fulfill our mission.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Wendy C. Coates, MD, President, and the SAEM Board of Directors