Florian Schmitzberger, MD, MS

Development & Grants Officer University of Michigan


I am applying for the development and grants officer position, having been on the executive board in the last year as a member at large.

Specifically for this position, I believe I bring a significant background from my global health and humanitarian work, as well as multiple large grants in this space, including review experience.

In the global health environment in particular, I applied for and was medical director for a WHO grant for roughly $900,000, for implementation of an emergency medicine curriculum in Ukraine. Additionally, I received funding for an evaluation of trauma protocols project in Ukraine by the Department of Defense (DoD). I strongly believe in helping others in exploring funding venues for both humanitarian or research work and hope I can help in this area.

Regarding GEMA, I have been active on the executive committee, predominantly as member-at-large in recruitment as well as within the GEMA EMS track, program and development committee. I feel very strongly in supporting others in this venue as well as supporting the mission and members of GEMA.