Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Curriculum

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DEI Curriculum


Introducing the

SAEM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Curriculum

Starting the DEI Conversation without Starting from Scratch
An SAEM ADIEM and Equity and Inclusion Committee Project 

Key Concepts

DEI - each term definition
Bias: Implicit v. Explicit V Discrimination

Specific Groups

Sex and Gender Minority

Strategies & Tools

Diversity Snowball Effect
Dealing with Racist or Bigoted Patients and Colleagues
Mentorship/Sponsorship/Advocacy: Promotion
Recruitment and Retention
Identity-First Language

Understanding Burdens on URiM

Minority Tax, Gratitude Tax, Emotional Tax
Imposter Syndrome
Code switching
History/Structural Racism




    • The Practice of Honoring Diversity by Lee Mun Wah. The Practice of Honoring Diversity are techniques on how to help agencies and companies integrate diversity into their meetings and institutions. Each of these practices were developed to encourage a more open dialogue where different groups could feel acknowledged, validated, and valued for their diverse cultural and gender perspectives.

    Submit a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Resource

    Do you have a DEI resource to share with the emergency medicine community? Please complete the Submit a DEI Resource Form and it will be reviewed by the ADIEM Executive Committee (for consideration of adding). Content is reviewed and added monthly.