Eligibility Criteria, Detailed Instructions and Additional Information
Eligibility Criteria
The Applicant
The applicant for any SAEMF Grant must be a member of SAEM in good standing at application deadline and during the entire award period. Additional applicant eligibility criteria for each grant can be found in the Request for Applications for each grant.
For all SAEMF grants, greater consideration for receipt of the award will be given to applicants who:
- Demonstrate a sustained interest in and commitment to emergency medicine-focused research and a research career. This demonstrated commitment may include the number of years involved in research or emergency medicine-focused research; number and quality of emergency medicine-focused research publications and presentations; research presentations at scientific meetings; and local, regional, national and international activities focused on research or emergency medicine-focused research. Applicants will be judged and scored according to their expressed and demonstrated commitment to these areas. Applicants who provide evidence of this commitment may receive more favorable scores. Greater involvement in topic areas applicable to the research proposal (e.g., toxicology, critical care, etc) will also be considered.
- Demonstrate evidence of involvement in SAEM activities and functions. Demonstrated involvement includes active participation in SAEM activities and functions (e.g., SAEM presentations and committee membership). Applicants will be judged and scored according to their expressed and demonstrated commitment to SAEM. Applicants who provide evidence of this commitment may receive more favorable scores.
Applicants for the Ali and Danielle Raja RAMS Medical Student Research Grant should check this website prior to submitting their applications as additional eligibility information will be published in May 2024.
The Host Department
The applicant’s host department:
- Must be a department or division (or equivalent) of emergency medicine within or outside of the United States.
- Should be actively involved in emergency medicine or pediatric emergency medicine research and education.
- Should have an established research program as exemplified by: (a) faculty/staff with extra- and/or intramural competitive grant funding; (b) current Institutional Review Board (IRB, or equivalent) approved clinical, education, health services, or laboratory research in progress; (c) faculty/staff who have presented their research at national or international meetings; (d) faculty/staff publications in peer-reviewed research journals; (e) a formal research curriculum; and (f) dedicated funds, space, and support personnel available to ensure completion of projects in which the applicant will participate.
- Must provide financial support for SAEM annual meeting attendance for the duration of the award. Up to $1,000 in grant funds may be used for expenses related to attending the SAEM Annual Meeting during the award year(s).
- For the SAEMF ARMED Pilot Grant only: Together with the host institution, must provide at least $25,000 in matching funds to support the proposed project together.
The Host Institution
The applicant’s host institution must:
- Provide adequate administrative and clerical support to the recipient, including, but not limited to, office space, administrative support, and information systems.
- Demonstrate a track record of involvement and commitment to research and training at local, state, and national levels. In the majority and ideal circumstances, the host institution should have an accredited emergency medicine residency program.
- Demonstrate the availability of faculty, resident and/or medical student teaching opportunities relevant to the project and applicant’s needs for the project, when applicable (e.g.,. Education Project Grant, Education Research Training Grant, Simulation Academy Novice Research Grant, AEUS Research Grant)
- For the SAEMF ARMED Pilot Grant only: Together with the host department, must provide at least $25,000 in matching funds to support the proposed project together
The Mentor(s), if applicable
The applicant’s mentor(s):
- Should have experience mentoring current/former trainees who are developing/have productive careers as research scientists.
- Should have expertise in the applicant’s proposed area of research.
- Should have expertise in research methodology.
- Must commit the necessary time to provide both project-specific and general research training to the mentee to ensure a productive mentor-mentee relationship.
- Must supervise the mentee’s research project.
- Must provide the necessary equipment and resources to execute the mentee’s research project if these are not available from the mentee’s department/division or another source specified in the grant application.
- May be located either at the applicant’s institution or at another institution.
Please contact grants@saem.org with any questions.
Revision Date 5/1/24
Below is a summary of SAEMF Grants budget, mentor, and page limit requirements.
Grant Application Category | Number of Years | Budget per Year | Total Budget | PI Salary | Career Stage | Mentor | Multiple PI | Page Limit* |
Research Large Project Grant | 2 | $75,000 | $150,000 | Yes† | A | Optional | Yes | 12 |
Research Training Grant | 2 | $150,000 | $300,000 | Yes | EC | Required | No | 12 |
Education Project Grant | 1 | $20,000 | $20,000 | Yes | A | Optional | Yes | 6 |
Education Research Training Grant | 2 | $50,000 | $100,000 | Yes | EC | Required | No | 8 |
RAMS Resident Grant | 1 | $5,000 | $5,000 | No | R | Required | Yes | 4 |
RAMS Medical Student Grant | 1 | $2,500 | $2,500 | No | MS | Required | Yes | 4 |
The Ali and Danielle Raja RAMS Medical Student Research Grant | 1 | $2,500 | $2,500 | No | MS | Required | No | 4 |
Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Grant | 1 | $100,000 | $100,000 | No | A | Optional | Yes | 6 |
SAEMF/ED Benchmarking Alliance Clinical Operations Research Grant | 2 | $25,000 | $50,000 | Yes | R, A | Optional | No | 6 |
Geriatric Emergency Medicine Research Catalyst Grant | 1 | $10,000 | $10,000 | Yes | EC | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/ADIEM Research Grant | 1 | $6,000 | $6,000 | No | EC | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/AEUS Research Grant | 1 | $10,000 | $10,000 | Yes | R, EC | Required | No | 4 |
ARMED Pilot Grant | 1 | $50,000# | $50,000# | Yes | O | Required | No | 6 |
ARMED MedEd Pilot Grant | 1 | $25,000 | $25,000 | Yes | O | Required | No | 6 |
SAEMF/AWAEM Research Grant | 1 | $10,000 | $10,000 | No | EC | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/CDEM Innovations in UME Grant | 1 | $5,000 | $5,000 | No | A | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/Simulation Academy Novice Research Grant | 1 | $5,000 | $5,000 | No | EC | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/GEMA Research Grant | 1 | $10,000 | $10,000 | No | EC | Required | No | 4 |
SAEMF/MTF Toxicology Research Grant | 1 | $20,000 | $20,000 | No | A | Optional | No | 6 |
MS = Medical student; R=Resident; EC = Early career; A = Faculty/staff at any career stage; O = Other
*For the Research Training Grant, this page limit includes the Specific Aims and Hypotheses (up to 1 page), Research Strategy (recommended 7-8 pages) and Career Development/Training Plan (recommended 3-4 pages). For the Education Research Training Grant, this page limit includes the Specific Aims and Hypotheses (up to 1 page), Research Strategy (recommended 3-4 pages), and Career Development/Training Plan (recommended 2-3 pages). For all other grants, this page limit includes the Specific Aims and Hypotheses (up to 1 page) and Research Strategy (remaining pages). This page limit does not include the 1-page Multiple PI Plan for multiple PI applications.
†Large Project Grant funds should be used primarily for the applicant’s salary to buy down their time to conduct the project.
#For the ARMED Pilot Grant,
SAEMF will provide a total of up to $25,000 for one year. The department and/or institution must provide an additional $25,000 in matching funds, for a total of $50,000.
Updated 5/1/24
Detailed Instructions
For submission instructions and SAEMF policies, visit How To Apply. For answers to other common questions, visit our Grants FAQ or email grants@saem.org.
All application components, including letters of support, must be submitted through the SAEM Foundation Grant Portal. All applications must be received by 5 pm (Central time) on their due date. No additional material (e.g. updates, publications, corrections, etc.) will be accepted after the application deadline.
Font type and size should be Arial 11 point, including literature cited. Single line spacing is acceptable. Figures, tables, legends, and captions may be in smaller font but must be clear and legible.
Blank/Plain 8 ½ x 11” paper can be used as needed in lieu of continuation pages or when no form is specified to be used. The margins must have a minimum of the following dimensions: top 0.8”, bottom 0.5”, left 0.5”, and right 0.5”.
Applicants must use the most current version of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) PHS 398 forms which can be downloaded at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html#forms. If there are questions regarding formatting, formatting which conforms to NIH guidelines will always be accepted.
The latest NIH biosketch format should be used.
FACE PAGE (Form Page 1)
Item 1. Title of Project
Do not exceed 81 characters, including the spaces between words and punctuation. Choose a title that is specific and descriptive, rather than general.
Item 2. Response to Specific Request for Applications (RFA) or Program Announcement (PA)
Mark “Yes”. For "Title," enter the name of the grant application category (Table 1).
Leave “Number” blank.
Item 3. Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) New Investigator. Do not check one of the boxes.
Item 3a. Name of Program Director/Principal Investigator
Name the individual applying for the grant.
Item 3b. Degree(s)
Indicate up to three academic and professional degrees or other credentials, such as licenses (e.g., M.D.)
Item 3c. Position Title
Provide the academic or professional title of the principal investigator. If more than one title, indicate the one most relevant to the proposed project, such as “Assistant Professor
of Emergency Medicine”.
Item 3d. Mailing Address
Provide complete information (including room number, building, and street address) necessary for postal delivery to the PI. Award letters and summary statements will be sent to this
address. Enter the appropriate electronic mail address.
Item 3e. Department, Service, Laboratory, or Equivalent
Indicate your organizational affiliation, such as “Emergency Medicine”.
Item 3f. Major Subdivision
If there is no such subdivision, enter "None."
Item 3g. Telephone and Fax Numbers
Provide a daytime telephone number and, if available, a fax number.
Item 3h. eRA Commons User Name
May leave blank.
Item 4. Human Subjects
Indicate whether the research proposed will involve human subjects’ research.
Item 4a-d.
May leave blank.
Item 5. Vertebrate Animals
Indicate whether the research proposed will involve vertebrate animals.
Item 5a. Animal Welfare Assurance
May leave blank.
Item 6. Dates of Proposed Period of Support
Must be one or two years in duration (July 1 – June 30), as specified for the grant application category in Table 1.
Item 7. Costs Requested for Initial Budget Period
Item 7a. Direct Costs Requested for Initial Budget Period
Enter the direct costs for year 1 (up to maximum allowed per Table 1).
Item 7b. Total Costs Requested for Initial Budget Period
The direct costs and the total costs for the initial budget period are the same for one-year grants. SAEMF grants do not provide for indirect costs. The total in Items
7a and 7b should be the same number.
Item 8. Costs Requested for Proposed Period of Support
Item 8a. Direct Costs Requested for Proposed Period of Support
Enter the direct costs for the entire project (up to maximum allowed per Table 1).
Item 8b. Total Costs Requested for Proposed Period of Support
The direct costs and the total costs for the entire grant period are the same. The grant does not provide for indirect costs. The total in Items 8a and 8b should
be the same number. For one-year grants, the total in Items 7a, 7a, 8a, and 8b should be the same number.
Item 9. Applicant Organization
Enter the name and address of the applicant organization.
Items 10-11.
May leave blank.
Item 12. Administrative Official to be Notified if Award is Made (should be the site that will receive the funds and distribute them)
Name the applicant organization administrative official to be notified if an award is made
(i.e., Grants Administrator, Fund Manager, etc). This official should be from the Sponsored Programs Office (or equivalent) at your institution. The award letter and grant agreement will be sent to this address. Provide a complete address
for postal delivery and the telephone, fax, and electronic mail address for the administrative official.
Item 13. Official Signing for Applicant Organization
Name an individual authorized to act for the applicant organization. Provide a complete address for postal delivery and the telephone, fax, and electronic mail address
for the signing official.
Item 14. Applicant Organization Certification and Acceptance
Signature of official named in Item 13 must be provided.
Project Summary and Relevance
In this space provide a brief synopsis of the proposed project. Please note that if the application is accepted for funding, a copy of this synopsis may be published on the SAEM website. The
summary must be completed in the space provided. The summary should include:
- A statement of the goals of the project;
- A statement of the specific aims and hypothesis of the proposed research project, including its relevance and importance to emergency medicine; and
- A description of the methods or techniques to be used in the project.
Training and pilot grants should also include a description of the research skills and preliminary or pilot data to be acquired during the project.
Project/Performance Sites
Enter the site(s) where the proposed activities will be performed.
Senior/Key Personnel
Include the applicant and any mentors or co-investigators on the project. Avoid listing faculty and persons not directly related or responsible for the research project or training program.
Other Significant Contributors
Include other significant contributors if they will contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project.
Provide the page number for each category listed on the Table of Contents. Place page numbers at the bottom of each page and consecutively number pages throughout the application. Do not include
unnumbered pages in the application. Do not use suffixes for page numbers (e.g., 5a, 5b, etc.).
A detailed budget and budget justification showing how the award will be spent and additional funds available to support the goals of the grant application are necessary
to ensure that adequate support and time are dedicated towards the completion of the stated goals.
SAEMF funds allowed for each grant application category are shown in Table 1.
In the budget and budget justification, the applicant may include expenses that are critical to the completion of the project, but are being supported by funds other than the proposed award from SAEMF. Funds that will be added to those provided by the SAEMF Grant (e.g., from departmental in-kind contributions, institutional intramural funds, or other awards) and what these funds will support, should be described in the budget justification section.
Grant funds may be used for direct costs related to the project. These may include supplies and equipment, research assistant support, data analyst support, data purchase, research animals, and other direct expenses of the project. Grant funds may be used for medical student stipends to support medical students who are working directly on the project. Funds may be used for publication fees. Up to $1,000 may be used for expenses related to attending the SAEM Annual Meeting during the award year(s). Travel expenses other than attending the SAEM Annual Meeting are allowed only in the SAEMF/GEMA Research Grant. All travel expenses must be consistent with the SAEM Travel and Reimbursement Policy. Grant funds cannot be used for indirect costs (e.g., facilities and administrative costs) or tuition.
In some grant categories, grant funds may also be used to support the applicant’s salary, per Table 1. Grant funds cannot be used for support of the mentor’s salary. For grant application categories that allow salary, fringe benefits are permissible in addition to salary, but the total of salary and fringe benefits must be within the total funds allowed by SAEM. The type of appointment should be for the duration of the proposed grant period (12 months). The institutional base salary and salary requested should reflect the applicant's institution's standard pay for the applicant’s academic rank.
Include a budget justification section following Form Pages 4 and 5 outlining the proposed budget and any additional funds (e.g., institutional, departmental, or other funding sources) contributing to the support of the application.
Use additional blank pages as necessary with the margins described above.
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Biographical Sketch Format Page)
A biographical sketch is required for all key personnel. Please follow the instructions on the "Biographical Sketch Format Page.” The applicant’s biographical
sketch should describe their involvement in SAEM, including active participation in SAEM meetings committees, and other activities.
OTHER SUPPORT (Blank/Plain Pages)
For the applicant and all key personnel, provide information regarding other research support and percent effort held at the time of application. Also provide information on pending projects,
grants, and contracts. List the role on the project and the amount available to the key personnel. If not applicable, state “Not Applicable.”
MULTIPLE PI PLAN (Blank/Plain Pages)
The following grant categories are eligible to be submitted as a multiple PI proposal: Research Large Project Grant, Education Project Grant, Emerging Infectious Disease and Preparedness,
and RAMS Research Grants. This eligibility is intended to support team science applications that do not fit the single PI model. Any application that uses multiple PIs must have a defined, distinct role for each PI, with strong justification
for why a multiple PI application is necessary. For applications proposing multiple PIs, an additional attachment should be included with the MULTIPLE PI PLAN. This attachment should be no longer than one (1) page and should detail: (1) roles/responsibilities
of each PI, (2) justification for having multiple PIs, and (3) identification of the PI responsible for contact with the sponsor. Additionally, applicants may include details about communication, fiscal oversight, process of decision-making,
publication and/or intellectual property policies, or procedures for conflict resolution, as appropriate.
Include a brief description of the facilities and resources available to the applicant explaining their relevance to the research project (i.e., space, computers, equipment, administrative
support, etc.) and, if applicable, training plan. Describe the intellectual environment in which the applicant will be working. Describe intra- and extra-departmental research efforts and collaborations and evidence of the department’s
academic productivity (e.g., publication record, success in achieving extramural funding, providing prior mentorship, etc.). Also describe the research environment and how this environment, the facilities, resources, funding, and support available
to the project will ensure its success. Use additional blank/plain pages, as necessary. An example Facilities and Resources page can be found here.
CHECKLIST (Checklist Form Page)
A checklist form page is not requested and should not be submitted.
A PHS inclusion Enrollment Report is not requested and should not be submitted.
An All Personnel Report is not requested and should not be submitted
Resubmission applications are defined as those resubmitted to the same SAEMF grant category with substantially overlapping Specific Aims within three years of the original
application. Resubmission applications must include a one-page Introduction to the Resubmission Application that summarizes changes to the application in response to previous reviews and responds to criticisms in the summary statement/reviews.
Changes should not be marked in the application itself.
The page limits for this section are in Table 1. The Specific Aims and Hypotheses should be up to 1 page, with the remainder used to describe the Research Strategy
using the subheadings Significance, Innovation, and Approach. The Research Training Grant should include Specific Aims and Hypotheses (up to 1 page), Research Strategy (recommended 7-8 pages), and Career Development/Training Plan (recommended
4-5 pages). The Education Research Training Grant should include the Specific Aims and Hypotheses (up to 1 page), Research Strategy (recommended 3-4 pages), and Career Development/Training Plan (recommended 2-3 pages). References are excluded
from this page limit. Shorter applications will be accepted.
This portion of the grant should be divided into the following sections:
Specific Aims and Hypotheses
List the aim(s) and the goal(s) of the specific proposed research, including study hypotheses.
Provide a brief overview of the field to be studied, including what is known of the topic, what remains to be explored, and how the proposed research will advance understanding in the field or bridge gaps in
knowledge. Provide a description of how this work may translate into future research projects. Include a rationale for conducting research in the proposed field (e.g., the area’s significance to medicine broadly and to emergency medicine
in particular, or potential for this area to serve as a launching point in the applicant’s research career).
Describe how the potentials of research will help change the current research, clinical, or education paradigms by utilizing novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.
Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses intended to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include a discussion of proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria, variables to be collected including
well-defined outcome measures, statistical methods, analysis plan, anticipated sample size, and data management. This section also should incorporate preliminary studies conducted by the applicant or their mentor, as applicable to the proposed
project. The Approach section should conclude with a timeline, benchmarks for success, and future directions. A timetable is acceptable. Information should include benchmarks for each aim and indications for when they are expected to be reached.
Describe what reviewers can expect in the future should they decide to fund your proposal. Sum up where you expect to be at the conclusion of the proposed research and what your next steps are expected to be and why they will be important.
Career Development/Training Plan (Research Training Grant and Education Research Training Grant only)
Provide a description of the career development and training program in which the applicant will participate during
the award period. A detailed description of the applicant’s specific goals that are both achievable and measurable should be included in this section. The plan should integrate the career development and training goals with the proposed
research project.
For the Research Training Grant, this program may include, but is not limited to, formal didactic coursework and less formal training under the research mentor(s). If there are plans to obtain an advanced degree, this should be outlined in this section. Applicants seeking an advanced degree should explain how the course work will integrate with the research strategy and applicant’s career goals. For example, a clinical investigator might pursue a research degree in study design, statistical analysis, or public health (e.g., masters or doctoral degrees in biostatistics, epidemiology, or public health, etc.). Laboratory-based investigators might pursue an advanced degree in their particular area of study (e.g., masters or doctoral degrees in physiology, immunology, etc.). A list of courses being taken during the two years is suggested.
For the Education Research Training Grant, this program may include, but is not limited to, formal didactic coursework and less formal training under the research mentor(s). Applicants without an advanced degree related to medical education research (ex. Masters/PhD in Medical Education, Masters in Clinical Research) are encouraged to seek one as part of the training plan. Other work that should be included in this plan includes participation in education activities, such as curriculum development and evaluation, and formal or informal study in education project development and evaluation methodologies.
Other training that can be described in this section may include participation in departmental research activities, such as journal clubs.
This section also should include a description of the primary mentor's research focus and funding history, the mentor's prior training experience, any prior mentoring between the applicant and mentor, and their anticipated interactions during the award period. A description of how the applicant’s progress will be formally evaluated must be included.
Conclude this portion by describing how the proposed training plan will further the applicant’s career.
Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the application.
Documents may be scanned and inserted as images, as needed. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all of the following materials are legible. Applications that are not legible
will be considered incomplete and may not be evaluated.
- Project Mentor, if applicable - This letter should include: (1) mentor's interest and experience in emergency medicine research; (2) track record for mentoring other research trainees; (3) statement of support for supervision of the applicant's overall research training experience and the specific research project; (4)mentorship plan; and (5) agreement to provide the necessary resources for the applicant to conduct the proposed research.
- Key Personnel - Provide letters from key personnel for whom biographical sketches were provided.
- Departmental / Division Chair’s Letter of Support - A letter of support from the Departmental Chair/Division Chief (or equivalent) is required. This letter must outline support of the Chair/Chief for completion of the proposed project, including any reduction in clinical and administrative responsibilities during the award period to allow for the completion of the proposed project. If additional resources or financial support (beyond those provided by the SAEM Grant) are required, this letter should document that the necessary resources and support to complete the project will be made available. For residents in their final year of residency applying as Principal Investigator, the stipulation for future appointment should be commented on in the letter of support. For travel expenses that exceed the $1,000 limit, the Chair’s letter also should indicate that department funding will be provided for the awardee to attend the SAEM national meeting during the year(s) of the award.
Letters of Support from other individuals, departments, or organizations involved in the proposed project are strongly recommended but not required.
Any surveys, learner assessments, data gathering tools, or other instruments may be included in this section. In addition, no more than two (2) manuscripts or abstracts relevant to the project that are not in print may be included. It is sufficient to provide citations for easily retrieved articles. Copies of articles are not required if all supplementary references and material are already in print or otherwise available. These materials are available for optional review by the review committee, so content critical to the application should be included in the main proposal. The appendix should NOT be used to circumvent page limits.
Revision Date 3/13/23
Additional Information
An applicant may submit more than one application within the same grant category or in different categories only if there is no overlap between the Specific Aims in the applications. Applications
with overlapping Specific Aims cannot be submitted to the same or different categories in the same application cycle.
The SAEM Grants Committee is responsible for reviewing grant applications and makes recommendations to the SAEMF Board of Trustees regarding candidate award recipients. For the SAEMF/ED Benchmarking
Alliance Grant, the recommendation will be sent to the ED Benchmarking Alliance Board of Directors for its approval, then moved to SAEMF Board of Trustees for final funding decision. For grants that are co-sponsored by an SAEM Academy
or another organization, the Academy or organization may designate a representative to participate in the review process in accordance with the SAEM Grants Committee Policies and Procedures Handbook. The committee uses a scoring system
to judge and compare applications that considers the qualifications of the applicant and mentor (if applicable), the research proposal, the training/mentoring plan (if applicable), and the host institution. The committee judges applications
with the goal of choosing awardees with the highest likelihood of becoming highly productive research-oriented academic emergency physicians. In each grant application category, an award will be made only if the committee and the SAEMF
deem that an applicant worthy of receiving the award can be selected. Successful and unsuccessful applications meeting eligibility requirements will receive both scores and comments provided by the reviewers for the purposes of improving
applications for subsequent submissions. The SAEM Grants Committee recognizes that the integrity and objectivity of the peer review process depends upon confidentiality of all aspects of the review process, and all members are required
to adhere to the Confidentiality Policy in the SAEM Grants Committee Policies and Procedures Handbook.
The SAEM Grants Committee is dedicated to the peer review of submitted grant applications in a fair, unbiased manner free from conflicts of interest and strictly adheres to the Conflicts of Interest
policy outlined in the SAEM Grants Committee Policies and Procedures Handbook.
For projects requiring the host institution’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent approval, funds will not be dispersed until IRB approval is obtained. Any unused funds will be
returned to SAEMF at the end of the award period. Award extensions may be made at the discretion of the Grants Committee on a case-by-case basis.
SAEMF grants are dependent upon the amount of available funds from the SAEMF. SAEMF may discontinue, postpone, or change grant funding based on the amount of funds available. The number and monetary amount of awards granted depend on the quality of applications and status of the SAEMF endowment funds.
For 1-year grants, progress reports are due at 6 months. For 2-year grants, progress reports are due at 12 months. The progress report must be at least 1 page in length and provide an evaluation
of the grant activities to date, including problems and alternative strategies employed, as well as plans to address newly identified problems. For 2-year grants, funding for the second year is conditional to receipt and approval of
the progress report by the SAEM Grants Committee.
The final project and financial reports are due within one month of the end of the grant period. The progress report template can be downloaded at Post Award. These reports will be prepared independently by the awardee (and mentor if applicable) and submitted to SAEMF.
If human or animal experimentation is to be performed during the period of the award, the department and institution to be used as the training site must affirm that:
(1) investigations involving human subjects proposed and subsequently carried out in the application have been endorsed and approved by the IRB, or other clearly designated appropriate body, at the study site; (2) any research involving
human subjects will conform ethically with the guidelines prescribed by the NIH; and (3) research involving animals will conform with the current "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals", NIH publication, of the Department
of Health and Human Services/United States Public Health Service (DHHS/USPHS), and has been approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee at the study site.
Applicants and institutions are required by SAEMF to comply with the USPHS regulations, Final Rule, 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F: Responsibility of Applicants
for Promoting Objectivity in Research. The applicant’s and mentor’s institution or host institution official’s signature on the signature page of the application indicates compliance that an institutional administrative
process is in effect to identify and resolve conflicting financial interests of the type described in Subpart 50.604(a) with respect to all projects for which funding is sought from SAEMF.
All inventions discovered or arising out of research supported in whole or in part by SAEMF and/or co-sponsoring organizations, which may be used in emergency
medicine research, teaching, or practice, shall be reported within one (1) year to SAEMF and the co-sponsoring organization. "Invention" is any discovery, material, method, process, product, program, software or app (mobile, application
software, web application, etc) of use, whether or not patented or patentable or copyrighted or copyrightable, that has application of value such that its use, licensing, lease, or sale can generate revenue. If the institution receiving
or disbursing SAEMF funds that supported the invention has an established and applicable patent, intellectual property, or technology transfer policy/procedure for administering inventions, SAEMF and the co-sponsoring organization,
when applicable, will defer to that policy.
If the institution has no established and applicable patent, intellectual property, or technology transfer policy/procedure for administering inventions, SAEMF and the co-sponsoring organization, when applicable, shall have the right to determine the disposition of invention rights. In such cases, SAEMF and the co-sponsoring organization, when applicable, may:
- Determine that patent and copyright should be or should not be filed;
- Release the invention to the inventor(s) or inventor's designee;
- Submit the invention to a qualified organization for administration and licensing;
- Determine by negotiation the fair share of royalty income to be paid to the inventor(s);
- License or make other arrangements for the application and use of the invention with terms on exclusivity and royalty payments determined by SAEMF and the co-sponsoring organization.
Revision Date 3/13/23