Leadership Opportunities

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If you are passionate about improving patient care in emergency medicine, SAEM provides many ways to get involved such as volunteering at scientific meetings, fundraising events,  and participation on committees and task forces. Committees play a vital role in advancing SAEM's mission. If you are new to an SAEM committee, please review the SAEM Guide for Effective Committees and Task Forces, or contact the SAEM at 847.257.7236.


The term of service of the Society's groups begins in May each year to coincide with the Annual Meeting, and lasts for twelve months. While SAEM's mission "to lead the advancement of emergency care through education and research, advocacy, and professional development" gives direction to SAEM's activities, it is the extensive and detailed work of each group towards the fulfillment of its specific goals and objectives that advances the academic specialty. 

Committee objectives are developed by SAEM Board liaisons and incoming committee chairs and are approved by the Board of Directors. They are based on SAEM's Five-Year Strategic Plan and the previous three years' objectives, as well as on suggestions from past committee chairs and members.  The Board strives to ensure that the objectives assigned to each committee are well-defined, achievable, and directly related to SAEM's core mission.  

View a full list of SAEM committees and their descriptions.