GEMA Humanitarian Resource List
Inclusion of non GEMA/SAEM organizations in this list is not an endorsement of their activities or members
Last updated: December 7th, 2023
Primary Contributors: Michael Jaung, Anik Patel, Habab Iraqi, Mallika Manyapu, Brennan Bollman
Contact info for comments or additional suggestions: Michael Jaung
Please also visit the GEMA global emergency medicine resources for additional information
International Intergovernmental Organizations and Agencies
- Centralized coordination center for UN
- ReliefWeb
- Centralized website for UN OCHA
- WHO in Emergencies
- UNICEF in Emergencies
- ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (Southeast Asia)
- African Union Humanitarian Affairs Division
- PAHO (Americas)
- ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations)
Humanitarian Relief Courses
- HELP (at various sites worldwide but course in Honolulu, HI is typically free)
- HRIC (Spring in Boston)
- HHI edX
- Operational Research for Humanitarians (Coursera)
- Global Health and Humanitarianism (HCRI)
- Humanitarian Relief Operations
- Sustainability in humanitarian action (FutureLearn)
Asylum Medicine Courses
Research Groups/Institutions
Non-Governmental Organizations (with opportunities to volunteer)
- Emergency (Italy)
- GRM (Global Response Management)
- International Committee of the Red Cross: ICRC
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: IFRC
- International Medical Corps: IMC
- International Rescue Committee: IRC
- Islamic Relief
- MDM (Medecins du Monde/Doctors of the World)
- MedGlobal
- Medical Volunteers International
- MSF USA/Int’l (Medecins sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders)
- NYC Medics
- Samaritan’s Purse
- Save the Children
- Syrian American Medical Society
- Team Rubicon
- The Safeguarding Health in Conflict coalition
- CARE International
- The Norwegian Refugee Council
- World Vision
- Catholic Relief Services
- Africa Humanitarian Action
- ForAfrika
- Humanitarian Emergency Response Africa
- Humanitarian African Relief Organization
- Convoy of Hope
- Partners in Health
- Edhi Welfare Organization
- Qatar Charity
- International Humanitarian City
- Humanity First
- Near East Foundation
USA Global Emergency Medicine Fellowships and Programs with Humanitarian Opportunities
- University of Alabama at Birmingham: IM Global Health Fellowship and Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Resource Limited Settings Fellowship
- Brown University: Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Studies at the Watson Institute
- Carolinas Medical Center: Team Rubicon
- Columbia University: Mailman School of Public Health Public Health and Humanitarian Action certificate program; Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
- Harvard University (Brigham): Harvard Humanitarian Initiative; relationships with numerous NGO’s and flexibility to travel for humanitarian response with little notice
- Queen's University: numerous disaster and humanitarian certifications available
- University of California Davis: states aim for fellows to deploy with humanitarian organizations during fellowship
- University of Colorado: Team Rubicon and other
- University of Southern California: Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
- University of Washington: Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
*Note: Numerous additional fellowships note support for fellows to attend the above HELP and/or HRIC courses listed above
**Note: Numerous additional fellowships offer general support for fellows to participate in humanitarian response during fellowship without noting a specific organizational partnership.
- Conflict and Health
- Disaster
- Lancet Global Health
- PLOS Global Health
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
- BMJ Global Health
Useful Phone Apps
- MSF Medical Guides
- MSF DDH (Practice Guide to Humanitarian Law)
- e-Pocketbook (WHO)
- HSP (Sphere Guidelines)
- SkinNTDs (WHO)
Global Health Educational Resources
Pediatric global health/emergency medicine:
- Simulation Use for Global Away Rotations (SUGAR)
- Includes S-PACK, I-PACK, PEARLS, and VE-PACK
- Global health learning community (GHLC)
Adult global health/emergency medicine:
- New Humanitarian: email newsletter, podcast
- Center for Humanitarian Health (Johns Hopkins): email newsletter
- Everyday Emergency (MSF): podcast
- Displaced: podcast
- Humanity in War (ICRC): podcast
- World of Migration (Migration Policy Institute): podcast
- Hold Your Fire (International Crisis Group)
About MSF:
- Hope in Hell: Inside the World of Doctors without Borders (Bortolotti)
- The Ends of the Earth (Kaplan)
- Writing on the Edge: Great Contemporary Writers on the Frontline of Crisis
- An Imperfect Offering (Orbinski)
- Six Months in Sudan (Maskalyk)
- Condemned to Repeat? (Terry)
- The Politics of Fear (Hoffman and Au)
About Partners in Health and Paul Farmer:
- Mountains beyond Mountains (Kidder)
- Fevers, Feuds and Diamonds (Farmer)
- Pathologies of Power (Farmer)
About Refugees/Migrants:
- Violent Borders (Jones)
- Refugee: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World (Betts and Collier)
About humanitarian work:
- The White Man’s Burden (Easterly)
- The Life You Can Save (Singer) ←also available as a free podcast/ebook in app store
- A Problem from Hell (Power)
- War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line (Nott)