Name of ResourceDescriptionCostLink
Global Ambassadors for Patient Safety (GAPS) online training by University of Minnesota Tool to help explore the need to prioritize patient safety and understand the implications of students being placed in health settings in low-resource settings.  FreeUMN 
Global Health Ethics Student Curriculum by AMSAGH ethics for medical students and faculty.  Curriculum of 1.5 hours. FreeAMSA
Global Health Clinical EthicsComprehensive workshop for faculty and students. Curriculum of
1.5-hour session
Child Family Health International webinarsIntroduction to wide variety of GH topics (career development, GH ethics, human trafficking, etc)FreeCFHI
Ethical Challenges in Short-Term Global Health TrainingSeries of cases to illustrate ethical challenges may arise during short-term international research and clinical experiencesFreeStanford/JohnsHopkins
Beyond Medical “Missions” to Impact-Driven Short-Term Experiences in Global Health (STEGHs):  Ethical Principles to Optimize Community Benefit and Learner Experience.  Academic Medicine journal article.  AAMC Article
Scrutinizing Global Short-Term Medical OutreachHastings Center Report articleFreeHastings Center Report
Advice To Parachuting Docs:  Think Before You Jump Into Poor Countries ArticleArticle to Read before you goFreeNPR Article
First, Do No Harm:  A Qualitative Research DocumentaryThe documentary explores the ethics of global health clinical electives and volunteer projects in developing regions.  45-minute research documentaryFreeVimeo
Ethics Dumping Case Studies from North-South Research CollaborationsA unique, up-to-date source book for case studies in exploitative North-South research collaborations.FreeeBook
Developing emergency care systems:  a human rights-based approachBulletin of the World Health Organization articleFree downloadWHO
Do No Harm:  The Urgent Need to Reform Short-Term Global Health ExperiencesAnnals of Global Health articleFree downloadNCBI
The ethical experiences of trainees on short-term international trips:  a systematic qualitative synthesisBMC Medical Education articleFree downloadBMC Med
Ethics and Best Practice Guidelines for Training Experiences in Global Health American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene article Free downloadNCBI
Not Above the Law:  A Legal and Ethical Analysis of Short-Term Experiences in Global Health  Annals of Global Health article Boston College

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Do you have a GEMA resource to share with the emergency medicine community? Please submit it below and it will be reviewed by the GEMA Executive Committee.

