President's Update
July 2023
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer season thus far. We've got a number of updates and upcoming SAEM deadlines to share in this month's President update:
- The SAEMF challenge is in full swing and AEUS is in 5th place with regards to member participation in donating and 5th for total dollars donated. Please consider donating, as the funds go to support Emergency Medicine research via SAEM foundation grants. I'll send another reminder about this next month. Thanks to each of you that has already donated, and I hope you'll consider this a worthwhile cause of what I know are very hard-earned dollars. Deadline to donate is 8/31/23. SAEM RESEARCH FOUNDATION | Your gift today is an investment in emergency medicine's future ( See attached pics for leaderboard.
- AEUS will soon be seeking submissions for the second year of our Innovator Scholarship (aka SonoShark Tank). Areas of innovation can include POCUS resources for learners, teaching materials, assessment tools, tools that advance ultrasound education, tools for professional development and career advancement of ultrasound educators, fellow-driven research projects in pocus innovation, etc. Previous winners can be found at the bottom of our home page: More details on scholarship funding amount and deadlines will be forthcoming. We're excited to offer this resource to our members for a second year in a row!
- Reminder that SAEM didactic and workshop submissions are already coming up quickly for the 2024 meeting. Education Submission Deadlines - Annual Meeting | SAEM. Workshop submissions are due 9/15 and didactics are due 10/2. As we did last year, we'll be sending out a google form for those interested in AEUS collaboration and feedback on their submissions. Look out for that in the next few weeks.
- Reminder that SAEMF grant submissions are due on August 1. We know that there are a few AEUS members working diligently on these, and we've been happy to support those individuals thus far through our mentorship program. SAEMF/Resident and Medical Students (RAMS) Research Grant
- A reminder that you can use for any IT assistance or questions you run into with the AEUS Narrated Lecture Series
- Please remind your colleagues, fellows, and residents to sign up for AEUS. Once you are an SAEM member, joining AEUS is no additional charge, so it's very much a win-win for those of us in the academic ultrasound community. Occasionally, folks will get bumped off of AEUS membership roles during the SAEM renewal process, so remind your colleagues of this when you can.
- Our award page has been updated to include the SAEMMIES winners and award winners from our May annual meeting. Check them out here: Grants & Awards (
Look out for more updates and emails from us shortly and thank you for your attention.
Chris Thom
June 2023
AEUS Members,
Following the footsteps of our outgoing president, Teresa Liu, I will be sending out a monthly update on our Academy's work and developments. Please see below:
- We had a very successful SAEM Annual Meeting this past month. This included our largest SonoGames ever, with 92 teams competing. See attached for a few photos from the event. We want to again thank everyone that worked to make the event successful. Also, congratulations to our AEUS awards winners and our SAEMMIES winners. The AEUS website will be updated to include these shortly. And we hope everyone in attendance at the AEUS Business Meeting has been enjoying their AEUS T-shirts!
- AEUS has developed two robust resources that we encourage members to explore. One is a research resources webpage that collates pertinent information for the clinician seeking to explore 'best practices' in research (AEUS Research Resources ( The second is a Gamification resource, where several SonoGames-type ultrasound teaching events are explored and resources provided. Give them a look, as you might find an easy gamification format that can spice up your ultrasound teaching at your home institution (AEUS Gamification Resources (
- We encourage you to check out our member highlights and the SonoSharkTank winner on our site (AEUS (
- We have begun the process of targeting the Narrated Lecture Series for updates and additions. Keep a look out for updates on this front, as we'll be hoping to make some improvements to the NLS over the next several months. I've also attached a highlight sheet for the NLS to this email. Keep in mind, you can email for assistance with the platform.
- We want to thank Dr. Smalley, Dr. Rooney, and Dr. Zucal for submitting an interesting POCUS article to the SAEM pulse. See that here - SAEM Pulse May-June 2023 by Society for Academic Emergency Medicine - Issuu
- Lastly, keep a lookout for upcoming emails seeking interest in involvement with SonoGames and other AEUS activities. Like you, we love ultrasound and enjoy working together to push our subspecialty forward. When you see these emails, sign up if something looks interesting and you have the time to assist!
Thank you all for your attention, and I hope everyone is having a good start to the summer season!
Chris Thom, on behalf of the AEUS Executive Committee
March 2023
Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is a big day, and this is no April Fools joke :-)
If you are presenting at SAEM23, all disclosures and bios are due by April 1. Tomorrow is also the last day to change presenting authors, and to upload final presentation slides to the speaker portal.
Of course, SonoGames Round 0 Austin Sono Limits is also due tomorrow. Submit your song and album cover here.
And, in case you still haven't registered for SonoGames, here's the link again, and here's how you can register for the afterparty. We are close to 70 residency teams already, on track to be a record breaking year!
Finally, check out the AEUS Roadmap at SAEM23. The latest updates include the finalist 2022 articles for the SAEMMIES. Voting will commence soon!
February 2023
Hi Friends,
Many exciting developments over the past month.
1. The Academy voted in our next slate of leaders. Congratulations to our next President-elect, Petra Duran-Gehring, next Education Officer, Jason Arthur, and next Treasurer, Maya Lin.
2. More importantly, thank YOU for doing your civic duty. Hundreds of you took valuable time to consider our amazing candidates and cast your vote. Also, thanks to all the candidates. Our Academy cannot thrive without your stepping forward to volunteer to serve our members.
3. We are gearing up for SAEM23. We have exceeded expectations in our progress: SonoGames round 0 is already happening. Team registration for SonoGames exceeded prior years at this point. The rest of the planning is underway. We already have an AEUS Roadmap at SAEM23 here for you, see also QR code attached. (Thank you AEUS member Judy Lin!)
Please note on the Google sheet that our Business Meeting Agenda is set. As with last year, we will have happy hour to foster networking. Concurrently, we will be highlighting the best AEUS articles of 2022 along with SAEMMIES. So giddy up! We will have good libations in hand, while getting up to date with literature and recognizing select academicians (The best articles tab on the roadmap is empty right now -fear not, it will be populated as the SAEMMIES committee finish their rigorous selection process).
4. More good news: the Grants committee has chosen a winning SAEMF-AEUS grant submitted by one of our inaugural Mentored Grants Group mentees. We have high expectations for our current mentored group! (No pressure, current mentees…)
5. Academic Professional Development Series – First Webinar will be on March 29, 2023 @ 12pmPST/2pm CST/3pm EST. Topic will be "Navigating promotions for Junior Faculty" By Dr. Joshua Goldstein, MD MPH. Want to understand the secret sauce to successfully climb the academic ladder? Register for the Webinar here.
6. Collaborator Connection is here! Years in the making, this is the Tinder/eHarmony of research studies. AEUS members (D. Theodoro, S. Adhikari, et. al.) matched up with SAEM Research Group to customize this resource for ultrasound research. Now we need all of you to create accounts and post studies. No swiping necessary. Soon we will be asking you to share successful match stories and look forward to reading your multi-institutional studies at AEM or AEM E&T!
7. Lastly, I will not be doing my job if I don't provide easy links for you stragglers to register for SonoGames and register for the Post-SonoGames Party. Get it together! Early Registration Deadline for SAEM is March 14! You're welcome.
January 2023
I hope you all are staying warm! There's a lot to do, see below for details!
-- Renew your SAEM AEUS membership for 2023!
-- The first installment of the Academic Professional Development Webinar Series has moved to March 29 (from February 16). This allows us to take advantage of the new SAEM Webinar structure with enhanced security to safeguard our online program from threats like Zoom bombing.
-- SAEM23 registration is open! We are excited to see all of you in Austin. AEUS is sponsoring an advanced workshop in Nerve Blocks. Sign your team up to compete in SonoGames! We will send out Round 0 rules to all registered teams this week. Submissions for Round 0 closes on April 1. Want a hint? Think Austin City Limits and Austin's music scene. 😊
-- After competing at SonoGames, come to the Afterparty @ Bangers from 13:00-17:00. Apologies that the previously sent link may be glitchy, please reach out if you still have problems. ** Note: If you are a SonoGames volunteer AND you have previously indicated your attendance to the Afterparty, follow the instructions from a separate email from Dr. Liang Liu re: your party registration. **
-- We need your Votes by Feb 24 for the Academy Executive Committee positions and your Nominations by February 10 for the Academy Awards.
Let's Goooooo!
December 2022
Hi friends,A quick note on a few things that you may be interested to know.
1. Your executive committee has submitted feedback to ABEM on the anticipated AEMUS Core Content revision.
2. Did you know that we have an active DEI committee? They are instrumental in our scholarships and awards last month. The goal is to promote diversity and inclusivity in everything we do. So, if you have any suggestion or feedback towards this goal, please reach out to me.
3. The Second Mentored Grant Writing Group has paired 11 promising mentees with 11 successful mentors. We are looking forward to their impactful grants in 2023.
Upcoming events and deadlines:
1. SAEM 2023 abstracts are due January 3. Innovations/IGNITE! are due January 11.
2. The SonoGames Registration is open now, think of the fun and the glory! After the competition, come to the Post-SonoGames Party. Space to the party is limited so you want to secure your registration now.
3. All SAEM memberships will expire this month! Renew your SAEM and AEUS Memberships nowto continue to take advantage of all of our offerings to help you be the best academic sonologist you can be (and to continue to get the monthly updates from me)!
That's all folks. Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a healthy 2023!