Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine
To be the essential resource for the successful academic chair of emergency medicine.
The Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM) is a vital resource for Chairs in academic emergency medicine (EM) and is instrumental in helping them achieve their mission as leaders. AACEM, through its programs and resources, facilitates the Chairs' success in achieving their educational, research, clinical, and community service missions. AACEM also serves as a valued resource in gathering, analyzing, and disseminating key metrics that define the key aspects of academic medical center EM departments’ performance, quality, and financial stability. These metrics provide the benchmarks that establish best practices in academic EM. By virtue of promoting success, AACEM helps to develop members that lead academic EM locally, nationally, and internationally.
It's Time for the Chairs Challenge!
AACEM/AAAEM Benchmark SurveyThe annual AAAEM/AACEM Benchmark Survey is a cross-sectional survey of U.S. and Canadian allopathic academic emergency departments (EDs) and academic emergency medicine (EM) departments..
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SAEM25 Schedule-at-a-GlanceEvery day is full of education, career development, networking opportunities, and more.
AACEM Committees and Workgroups
AACEM Boarding Workgroup