Academy of Administrators in Academic Emergency Medicine
To advance the profession of individuals serving as administrators within emergency medicine academic programs.
The Academy of Administrators in Academic Emergency Medicine (AAAEM) is a professional association for individuals managing the administrative and business functions of an academic department or division of emergency medicine. These academic units typically engage in activities related to patient care, education, and research mission, including the primary administration of an emergency medicine residency program.
AAAEM Award Winners
AAAEM 2024 Retreat Presentations
AACEM/AAAEM Benchmark SurveyThe annual AAAEM/AACEM Benchmark Survey is a cross-sectional survey of U.S. and Canadian allopathic academic emergency departments (EDs) and academic emergency medicine (EM) departments..
CAEMA Applications Are Now Open!
AAAEM Committees
AAAEM Benchmark Committee
Apr 25, 2021, 16:18 PM
Title :
AAAEM Benchmark Committee
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