
Goals and Objectives

To focus on how to maximize member resiliency and help us all create more balanced lives.

  1. Establish avenues for members to share successful strategies that build resilience via the listserv and newsletter. Provide "topic" starters through the wellness kit and publish an article from members of the wellness committee.
  2. Create a wellness manual, compiling prior articles and new wellness content from AWAEM members.
  3. Plan a virtual panel discussion on physician suicide for September 2020 to coincide with National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.
  4. Host weekly wellness Zoom check-ins.
  5. Continue the COVID buddies and Wellness WhatsApp initiatives.

If you are interested in joining the Wellness Committee.

Contact AWAEM

Please complete the form below or send an email to AWAEM@saem.org.

Do you want to join AWAEM committees? If so, select the committees you wish to join.

Would you like to become a mentor?

Would you like to become a resident representative?

Would you like to become a medical student representative?