Social Media Best Practices

Follow us on social media (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) and use the hashtag #SAEM24



What you should share
  • Tell your followers you are attending
  • Find and share session details
  • Post takeaways, pearls, and interesting or new information
  • Ask questions about session content
  • Express how the information will change your practice


Best Practices and Guidelines
  • Be transparent, honest, and genuine. This builds trust with your audience, and they will look to you as a source of reputable information and guidance.
  • Keep the text brief. Aim to engage.
  • Include a link and image or video when appropriate. Posts with visuals drive more engagement.
  • Respond to comments and check #SAEM24 to engage with relevant content from others
  • Respect when information is not to be shared
  • Thread posts for easier reading
  • Note: by tagging the SAEM accounts and/or using our event hashtag (#SAEM24), you are consenting to our potential usage of your shared photo, video, and/or caption in future SAEM marketing efforts and promotional materials