Disasters and the Underserved

Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern
Dr. Klein originally hails from NYC and has lived everywhere from New York to Maine, and Michigan to Texas with brief stints in the UK and the Caribbean. Her career paths have taken her in many directions from sailing on traditional sailboats, teaching environmental and experiential education; to prehospital work in wilderness medicine, search and rescue, flight paramedic and finally after a dare to going to medical school and becoming an emergency medicine physician. She completed her residency at Detroit Receiving Hospital in Michigan, which was followed by a two year CDC funded fellowship in WMD-Disaster Medicine and EMS where she engaged in hands on disaster courses in radiation, chemical, biological, and decontamination. Aside from academia, she is part of a DMAT, which has allowed her to be deployed to multiple real world disaster events. At present, she is an associate professor at the University of Texas Southwestern medical center at Dallas where she is part of the division of Emergency and Disaster Global Health and clinically works at Parkland Hospital. She is an active instructor both nationally and internationally for the National Disaster Life Support Foundation series of courses and has the privilege of being an associate editor for the “purple journal”. She continues to lecture on disaster and EM topics nationally and internationally and is about to embark on an MPH.